long time, no blah-de-blah.

Oct 14, 2007 04:14

Time for an update, methinks.

I can't sleep, so I've decided to go outside onto my balcony and just do something. Because, it's like a beautiful night n all. And it's only 4am.

I have a new computer fixation - Macintorshies! After having an iMac sitting on my cupboard for ages doing nothing, I thought I'd actually see what it could do. So I got a copy of OSX for it. It works... slowly, but not too bad, it is after all 8 years old. As is the laptop I'm on right now, A lombard model Powerbook - the same bronzed key laptop carrie used in sex and the city. The apple logo is pretty darn cute, I must say. Apart from that, I've aquired myself 2 other g3 desktops, a quadra 630, two ][ s and a LCII which are sitting there, doing nothing. I'll work out os9's quirks later.

TRhe funny thing is, 7 years ago, I would have hated myself for liking macs so much. I guess at the time, I was a windows fanboy, but really, I dunno - then again, it was the time of OSX, and I still haven't figured out os9. Hrm.

I also got myself a new bike-cycle. a fancy expensiveish one, and I've actually been riding it. Everyday I can, to and from work (A distance of, gasp, roughly 6 kilometres!), and also everywhere else. I'm quite enjoying it, and I've saved about $100 in public transport, although this is based on if I'd got a bus every trip I make, so it's a bit biased. That said, Getting a train ride up to belair and riding downhill for 4 k's or so is dern sweet. and as I get to the bottom in time to catch it again on the same ticket, I always do it twice. My bike has disc brakes, and I make good use of them all the way down. Disc brakes get warmer the more you use them. note to self, it's a baaaad idea to lean the bike against your leg on the train. my jeans were not pleased.

Hmmmm... pretty lights at night.

macs, awake, osx, bike, night, belair, computers

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