thursday morning-in hiding

Dec 15, 2005 09:58

So Its the school christmas holidays, at home for four weeks! Its really good in some ways but not so good in others! Like for one, my family can monitor my eating! I have done well so far, this is the fourth day of the fast, fast as in eat hardly anything all day unless I have too, then eat vegetables for dinner and maybe a tiny bit of meat or fish with it! because I have to!

So my mum cooks healthy food anyway, so Im pretty lucky there! but still I just didnt want to eat this massive tuna steak I know its quite low in cals and good for me but I only need a taste of it, so me being an idiot as soon as we sat down put it on my side plate! great attracted loads of attention to myself, next thing step dad is saying 'are you going to eat that?' brother is saying eat it eat it mum then accuses me full out in front of everyone of having an eating disorder! we were meant to be going to the cinema together so she shouts! Im not taking you to the cinema anymore you can go to the doctors instead! me OUTRAGED gets up with glass of wwater in hand *no I dont chuck it over each and every one of them* I leave the table and go to my room, panicking about what to do! and worrying they are going to force feed me! (even though Im not dying Im a perfectly average weight now!) in fact I dont even know my wieght becuase my mum does not believe in weighing scales! shes a stick btw becasue she used to be a model and was never anorexic but has always eaten very healthyily like lots of salade and vege, she has a lot of self control and swears she does not like chocolate unlike me!

im currently hiding in my room, pretending to be asleep so I dont have to eat breakfast! what a life what a life! any comments please feel free? I want to hear from you fellow girlies! xxx
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