Jul 31, 2004 15:09
hey its like 3 oclock and i woke up at 2 and i am bord as hell i just got back from camp yesterday and it was fun me jonathan and david chillin for 6 days we had to work pritty hard getting up at 5 and playing the rest of the day....but the food owned i really like it i probolbly ate the most but its ok bc i liked it..me my brother and jonthan all punched hole in the wall and at the alst day i took and pole and waked the wall so i have the biggest hole we where goin to sign then but there was no pen i also met some guy tht i playin from my schoolyeah it was fun......i got pritty tried ok last night when i came home yoni came over and we chilled till alittle after dinner......we did some beatboxing of corse i sucked and he was pro.we went to elco and playyd some ball of course he killd me in tht to.....oo yeah i we got to talk to joozie on the fone and he has been gone for 1 week already and we just got 2 more weeks to wait.......me and hai chilled alittle to....i am supposed to go to austins today to chill with a few poeple it should be fun if i go :(........and now i am on the fone with caitlin my love ;) and yeah its fun well now all my friends you can write in my thingy PYYCE