Happy Independence Day! Today was so awesome.Infact my summer had been like so cool so far, except for a few minor (ehemm people)I am really enjoying myself.Aww my step bro is at his stupid friends house and I miss him. tears.Today I seen my cousins I haven't seen in like since I was born lol and their so cute they were from cleaveland and I had all that THIS IS NOT YOUR DAUGHTER DEBBIE! NO!! ITSNOT OMG SHES SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! andlol it was funny then I came home and mandi will and bryan came over. I love bryan so much hes my bestest friend in the world ever in the world!!! That is...next to mandi lovers whos love exceeds ALL. lol
Thats Bryan and I awwwwwwwwwwwww
(note: eyebrow ring= sexyness central)
Aww silly willy lol and mandi aww again
I usually don't put really personal things in here but I really love the way bryan plays guitar for me......like really....i love my best friends lol