May 18, 2004 07:37

Oh hell's yeah!!!! i just failed my test from yesterday but i kept my B- fuckin right doggie....... oh man I am soo tired. i was up talkin to Robert from 11:15-11:55 and he was okay last night....he diddn't bother me to much.... but I wanted to go to sleep soooo bad. But i went to sleep on my floor last night cause my bed was uncomfortable. But i ( Read more... )

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sexxximexi May 18 2004, 06:03:52 UTC
yeah this song rock....are you listenign to launch?


iluvfatboys May 18 2004, 06:05:07 UTC
head phones sweetheart.

I just got done updating. comment if you wanna.


iluvfatboys May 18 2004, 06:08:45 UTC
p.s. I smell sooo good right now. I found this spray I used to use and I <3 the smell.

dirty socks. jk I think its well i dont know, but its good.


sexxximexi May 18 2004, 06:10:21 UTC
I know you smell good i was just bout to eat you before you left. what is that spray I want some.....well not really


sexxximexi May 18 2004, 06:08:55 UTC
go to launch then use those head phones into the key board and listen to Blink 182-and the song M&M's


iluvfatboys May 18 2004, 06:10:39 UTC
I'm actually doing work too.haha dingaling.


iluvfatboys May 18 2004, 06:13:51 UTC
guess who walks into the library on the prowl...but...

kenny james pickles.
i mean kenny da' hallmonitor


sexxximexi May 18 2004, 06:14:01 UTC
oh.....what you working on?


iluvfatboys May 18 2004, 06:15:49 UTC
a lil bitta science


sexxximexi May 18 2004, 06:16:40 UTC
Fun.....note my sarcasim


iluvfatboys May 18 2004, 06:18:18 UTC
noted, sir.


iluvfatboys May 19 2004, 05:43:43 UTC
joe talk to me.


sexxximexi May 19 2004, 05:46:36 UTC
sars i updated my journal... but how are you doin


sexxximexi May 19 2004, 05:53:28 UTC
hello? did the librarians kick you off the computer? damn i hate them soo much. Not really there are cool.


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