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Apr 05, 2008 01:28

I'm getting scared and slipping back into apathy. I'm too afraid to do something about it. I realize the reality of it all, i know my path, and that i have to pave it myself. The helplessness is there, the idea that i can't do anything, that there is too much to do is setting in. It's bullshit, we all can do something> many times in our history it has been one man who has stood up and made change. He was not perfect, just a guy like myself. Man or women, it doesn;t matter, shit needs to change. A coalition needs to form to rally against the shit we are being spoonfed. I watched TV for a few hours today, only a short span of time and i had almost bought in. it implants thoughts in your head of mediocrity, the glory of being normal, of keeping quite and going through the motions. To be just another gear, another brick. To seperate, to be alienated, to be differnt, follow the herd, be yourself, but not that self, nope not that one either, here try this one! Horseshit. Everything is for sale everyone has a price. Well fuck that, not me. I'm not gonna buckle to this shit. And if i do well fuck me too. I'm just another McDonald's loving cocksucker consumerist fuck like the rest. Why waste time censoring yourself? Why bother suckering in? Who do you really have to impress? Gotta get that sweet job right? How else you gonna make it? Let me be the first, and for damn sure not that last that we are not helpless. There are choices out there, ways to change whatever it that is effecting the world. Whatever that think is you don't agree with, that you see as inhimane, as immoral, change it! No, not everyone will agree with you but at least they will be aware. Everything matters! Take that route! Let's all do something, something small that amounts to something HUGE! Don't let the hippies be the last generation, the last group who actually cared, who tried! Fuck, look around! We're being kept stupid and obedient for a reason! THINK FOR ONCE! Tolerance people, we're all one the same ride the same ship, we are responsible for one another whether we like it or not. It was not our choice to be here, and it was not our choice for the world to be like it is. But it is our choice if it stays like this. Don't be fooled by the excuses of nihilism, and of "human nature". Human nature is to overcome, to survive, to evolve. We forget nothing has evolved passed Homo Sapiens, and we are all of the same species. These fucks in their ivory towers would love us to think otherwise, but it is simply not true. Possessions, status, commodities, and resources are dick, they are NO ONE's! WAKE UP AND REALIZE APATHY GETS YOU NOWHERE! IT DOESN"T MATTER HOW LONG OR HARD YOU STARE AT THAT TV SCREEN YOUR TROUBLES CANNOT BE BOUGHT OR WISHED AWAY!
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