More God Talk

Mar 25, 2008 00:43

Isn't it a bit rediculous for atheistm to offend theists? If the theists are right,and god created everything wouldn't that make it impossible to be an atheist. Wouldn't everything be a religious experience since we are always in contact with an extenstion of god (or God himself)? In this case science, philosophy, art, religion, and every other sect of human experience, interpretation, and expresstion are all of the same nature and essence. These schisms that exist are illusions, they are all getting at the same thing; human experience and life. I think both religionists and atheists would agree on many things, it is just the language and line of reasoning they use to decode and recite their own experiences that throws them off. If there is a god, everyone and everything would be of its nature and its will. To say God's will and Free will exist are the same thing, often interpreted as different because of sloppy logic and "misinterpretation" if there is such a thing. I would argue if God exists then certain religious practices are no more sacred and holy than any other activity in life because it is of the same existence. One does not enter into a different realm when entering a church, temple, mosque, etc, they are merely changing their perceptions and thought patterns. Anything can be religious and should be. Who has the authority to say reciting the Quran is more sacred than Metal or Jazz? All are expressions of something uniquely human and provide transcendance and connectivity to others. I don't understand why there are so many lines drawn and enemies made over different interpretations of the same thing. Why are some religionists so offended by evolution? Do they put it beyond God to be capable of such intricacy? Why stick to dogma when we have gotten so much closer to truth? Science is not an enemy of "god" if anything it would be his handiwork. What is natural seems to be more in line with creation than what religion has to say. To deny what is natural is to deny God in a sense.
Now, i can see where there can be a problem with this argument. If this were true it would mean such acts as murder, adultery, rape, theft, and all other sorts of "immoral" behavior would also be the work of God. However, i do not see this as a problem. If all is God's creation, why not "evil" as well? Negativity is necissary, whether it be in physics or morality: one cannot know good without bad. Also, morality is very relative. What is good for one is bad for another. The entire universe is made of opposing forces playing on each other to maintain balance, why should humans be any different? This is not a new idea, such concepts have been around since Taoism thousands of years ago. The famous Ying-Yang is a prime example of this dualism. Night and day, order and disorder, Infinite and finite, love and hate, black and white, red and yellow, matter and anti-matter, positive and negative charges, male and female. Are any of these better than the other? Can one exist without the other? Immorality is so peronal to us because of our psychology. We are born with empathy, with compassion, it is essential to our survival. We don't need strict moral codes, threats of hell fire, and demons to keep us in line. Nature (or god)has given us what we need. We have the capacity for morality and immorality. Imagine a world without murder or death or suffering. It sounds all fine and dandy until you realize the logistics of this reality. There would not be enough resources, no motivation, no appreciation, and most of the wonderful things in life would be meaningless. Mortality is our greatest gift, it allows us to appreciate life a lot more! Isn't a vacation much more enjoyable after weeks of hard work? Doesn't ice water taste better on a hot day? It is oppositions that make the human experience so wonderful. Whatever lines are drawn are arbitrary, detremental, necissary and enlightening all at the same time. There are wonderful paradoxes all around. However, we need the ability to take a step back an appreciate them. To erase the lines and look at the whole picture. I guess my point is that worrying if there is a God or not is a wast of time. God's existence or nonexistence changes nothing, only one's perception of the same thing changes. Whether you look at a painting as worthless or priceless it doesn't change what the painting is. Just think if everything else is just liek that.
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