Convo With Fat Head Dennis

Oct 01, 2005 19:06

Eme Da 187: awwwwww amanda! im bored!! save me
SeXx Nd StArS: pick ur nose
SeXx Nd StArS: always fun
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: na cuz ill bleed
SeXx Nd StArS: well dont pick hard
Eme Da 187: but that takes all the fun out of it
SeXx Nd StArS: no it doesnt idk how u pick ur nose
Eme Da 187: i use a carrot =]
SeXx Nd StArS: which end?
Eme Da 187: well both... lol one getts full of boogers soo i use the other side
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: than go watch the non cable cooking channel
SeXx Nd StArS: they talk soo sloww
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: na cuz then ill have to get up
SeXx Nd StArS: k well close ur eyes really tight
SeXx Nd StArS: and think of being one of those kids
SeXx Nd StArS: that are in teh barney show
SeXx Nd StArS: u can either wanna die or just feel so hyped up on riddlin to smile till ur cheeks pop
Eme Da 187: if i close them real tight i might go blind
SeXx Nd StArS: tomatos are grossss
Eme Da 187: no they ok
SeXx Nd StArS: u already are blind foo
Eme Da 187: with salt
Eme Da 187: nigga plz
SeXx Nd StArS: Eww
SeXx Nd StArS: noo
Eme Da 187: i see many things
SeXx Nd StArS: only if there cut up
SeXx Nd StArS: haha like ur mom
Eme Da 187: lol no duh
Eme Da 187: lol eww
Eme Da 187: eww
Eme Da 187: caca
Eme Da 187: =]
SeXx Nd StArS: haha so uve seen her
SeXx Nd StArS: Lol
Eme Da 187: lol i see her all the time... shes my mom u no
SeXx Nd StArS: lol no shit
SeXx Nd StArS: u should be annie
SeXx Nd StArS: in the remake
SeXx Nd StArS: of annie
SeXx Nd StArS: wheres shes in the orphanage
SeXx Nd StArS: dancing and singing and mopping
Eme Da 187: nana
Eme Da 187: i wana be peterpan =]
SeXx Nd StArS: lol peterpan is taken
SeXx Nd StArS: so is tinkerbell cuz i kno u want to be her so bad
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: fine ill be a pirate
SeXx Nd StArS: lol the midgit one!!!
Eme Da 187: lol na
SeXx Nd StArS: yes hes fat
SeXx Nd StArS: and short
Eme Da 187: cuz im not short lol
Eme Da 187: and im not fat
Eme Da 187: nigga ahhah
SeXx Nd StArS: lol yes u are.
Eme Da 187: no
SeXx Nd StArS: yes
Eme Da 187: well if i was then ur a shrimp
Eme Da 187: mmmm shrimp
SeXx Nd StArS: =) least i taste good
SeXx Nd StArS: i dont think fat midgits taste good
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: lies
SeXx Nd StArS: haha
SeXx Nd StArS: nO lies
Eme Da 187: u no u eat midgits
Eme Da 187: like with all this rice and butter
SeXx Nd StArS: only if there cooked =)
Eme Da 187: deep fried
SeXx Nd StArS: YUM
Eme Da 187: hmm
SeXx Nd StArS: mash potatos
Eme Da 187: cacapoop
SeXx Nd StArS: and corn
SeXx Nd StArS: on the side
Eme Da 187: eww good
SeXx Nd StArS: haha
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: n gravy
SeXx Nd StArS: and a tamale
SeXx Nd StArS: to support the wetbacks
Eme Da 187: with free money that the king of england gives u =]
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: wtf the king of england
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: yeah and some Chili from the asians
Eme Da 187: and a warm blankt to support the niggas
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
Eme Da 187: =]
SeXx Nd StArS: i dont get it
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: cotton lol
SeXx Nd StArS: ooo
Eme Da 187: =]
SeXx Nd StArS: lol why didnt u just say Cotton blanket
SeXx Nd StArS: derrr
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: well blankets are made from cotton
Eme Da 187: dddeeeerrr
SeXx Nd StArS: ur dumber than a box of rocks
Eme Da 187: hey..
SeXx Nd StArS: lol Noo some are from wool
Eme Da 187: they pretty dan snart
SeXx Nd StArS: and satin..
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: and dirt
Eme Da 187: snart
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: yeah denis
SeXx Nd StArS: ur snart
Eme Da 187: ur a cakr
Eme Da 187: =]
SeXx Nd StArS: ?
Eme Da 187: cakr
Eme Da 187: cakr
Eme Da 187: cakr
Eme Da 187: =]
SeXx Nd StArS: cracker?
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
Eme Da 187: lol sure y not
Eme Da 187: but u still a cakr
SeXx Nd StArS: whats a cakr
SeXx Nd StArS: u big brown bean
Eme Da 187: lol u
Eme Da 187: no no
Eme Da 187: its u
Eme Da 187: ur a cakr
SeXx Nd StArS: lol fine
SeXx Nd StArS: im a cakr
Eme Da 187: yes yes u r
SeXx Nd StArS: yup
SeXx Nd StArS: and a chapin
SeXx Nd StArS: and ur just a bean
SeXx Nd StArS: ER*
Eme Da 187: ur cantiflas
SeXx Nd StArS: =
Eme Da 187: kk owned =]
SeXx Nd StArS: oops
SeXx Nd StArS: =)
SeXx Nd StArS: **
Eme Da 187: lol cantiflas
Eme Da 187: nigga
SeXx Nd StArS: lol idc what i dont understand foo
SeXx Nd StArS: it dont bother me =)
SeXx Nd StArS: brb im gonna get a soda
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: get pepino =]
SeXx Nd StArS: ahh shut up
Eme Da 187: lol get me some
Eme Da 187: =]
SeXx Nd StArS: dont remind mee
SeXx Nd StArS: i had one
SeXx Nd StArS: and iwas peelin it
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: over the trash can
SeXx Nd StArS: and it slipped out my hand
SeXx Nd StArS: into the trash can
Eme Da 187: LOL
SeXx Nd StArS: and it got all dirty
Eme Da 187: tragic endings
Eme Da 187: sad lol
SeXx Nd StArS: and it was the last onee
SeXx Nd StArS: shut up dennnis
SeXx Nd StArS: =(
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: wana cry in my shoulder?
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: i was almost done peeling it too
SeXx Nd StArS: and it just fucking fell
Eme Da 187: lol i do it over my counter
SeXx Nd StArS: igot so mad
SeXx Nd StArS: i was doing it over the table!!
SeXx Nd StArS: and my dad is all move i got to cut hte watermelon
SeXx Nd StArS: and i went to the trash can
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: use the counter lol
SeXx Nd StArS: no it was to far
SeXx Nd StArS: i was almost done
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: dude it just slipped
Eme Da 187: poor pooor amanda
SeXx Nd StArS: i knoww =(
Eme Da 187: u need a pepino
Eme Da 187: =]
SeXx Nd StArS: i doo fuck its not even funny anymore
Eme Da 187: im hungry
Eme Da 187: me get foodnow
Eme Da 187: brb
SeXx Nd StArS: k dont diez
Eme Da 187: yay
Eme Da 187: mmm hotpocket is int he microwave =]
SeXx Nd StArS: EW hotpockets
SeXx Nd StArS: i told u i posioned myself with that too right?
Eme Da 187: lol home ones are better
SeXx Nd StArS: i cant eat like a billion things now..
SeXx Nd StArS: i cant eat things icook or ill die
Eme Da 187: oo ouch sucks
Eme Da 187: mmm hotpocket
SeXx Nd StArS: ew with cold lumps of cheese ready to posion you with its rancid unCookedness
Eme Da 187: i like rancid
SeXx Nd StArS: diary products.
SeXx Nd StArS: dairy*
Eme Da 187: mmm cereal
SeXx Nd StArS: the fucking washing machien broke cuzz i accidently pulled the cord connecter to hardd
SeXx Nd StArS: machine*
Eme Da 187: oooo omg
Eme Da 187: omg
Eme Da 187: omg
Eme Da 187: brb
SeXx Nd StArS: k
Eme Da 187: k
Eme Da 187: my dad left for a party
Eme Da 187: and didnt wana take me to a show
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: uh huh
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: can contacts kill a dog?
Eme Da 187: eww still cold
Eme Da 187: brb
SeXx Nd StArS: haha!!
SeXx Nd StArS: disgusting cold lumps of cheese
Eme Da 187: lol yes
Eme Da 187: thats y it needs to melt =]
SeXx Nd StArS: yup with the packaged old meat preferablly mixed with chemcials used on pestisides
Eme Da 187: lol ya
Eme Da 187: gota love it
SeXx Nd StArS: do u like marshmellows?
Eme Da 187: yes
SeXx Nd StArS: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
SeXx Nd StArS: only lucky charms ones are good
Eme Da 187: lol na
Eme Da 187: lucky charms sucks
Eme Da 187: trix is better
SeXx Nd StArS: yeah trix is better
SeXx Nd StArS: but with marshmellows i only like lucky charms dehydrated ones
Eme Da 187: cookie crisp is good
SeXx Nd StArS: ive never tried them
Eme Da 187: lol taste liek cookies and milk
SeXx Nd StArS: lol no shit hence the name
SeXx Nd StArS: saturdays already gone =(
Eme Da 187: yup
SeXx Nd StArS: make it be friday again
Eme Da 187: na
SeXx Nd StArS: yess
Eme Da 187: tomarrow is sunday =]
SeXx Nd StArS: no
SeXx Nd StArS: tomorrow is earth day =)
Eme Da 187: lol yes
Eme Da 187: yes
Eme Da 187: ur an alien
SeXx Nd StArS: lol jk
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: yes i am
Eme Da 187: from the plant cacajikanomarudungqa
SeXx Nd StArS: ive inheritied a huge head and green pigments as skin
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: Yup how did u knoww
Eme Da 187: ive been watching u!! lol
SeXx Nd StArS: did u get ahold of my green pinkish mucus
SeXx Nd StArS: ah uve have..
SeXx Nd StArS: haha
Eme Da 187: yup
SeXx Nd StArS: u and ur carrots
Eme Da 187: me and liz teamed up
SeXx Nd StArS: OMg u spies
Eme Da 187: lol yes!!
SeXx Nd StArS: noooooooooo
SeXx Nd StArS: i best be on my way
SeXx Nd StArS: to find another fat midgit to conquer
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: try hmm
Eme Da 187: caca =]
Eme Da 187: brb
SeXx Nd StArS: k
SeXx Nd StArS: lol hope ur hot pocket burned
Eme Da 187: lo
Eme Da 187: fuck that microwave sucks
SeXx Nd StArS: lol its still cold?
Eme Da 187: na
Eme Da 187: its alright
SeXx Nd StArS: lol mann
SeXx Nd StArS: i was coming back from the port
SeXx Nd StArS: and theres was this black lady`
SeXx Nd StArS: yelling into a microphone
SeXx Nd StArS: about god
SeXx Nd StArS: and like it was the weirdest thing ive ever seen
Eme Da 187: LOL
Eme Da 187: more than a jewish nigga?
SeXx Nd StArS: never seen one
Eme Da 187: at school
Eme Da 187: the security guard lol
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: i havent seen him
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: the only old ppl i see is my teachers
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
Eme Da 187: wow he liek wanted to kick me in the balls
Eme Da 187: cuz i told him i was a nazi
SeXx Nd StArS: LOL!
SeXx Nd StArS: u should of stole his little had
SeXx Nd StArS: hat*
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: na cuz hes takle me
Eme Da 187: and hes pretty big lol
SeXx Nd StArS: not as big as ur huge cock
SeXx Nd StArS: u couldve taken him
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: mayb my cock but not me
SeXx Nd StArS: lol learn some karate chops
SeXx Nd StArS: lol my teacher thinks im a drug addict
SeXx Nd StArS: and is sending me to the counseler
SeXx Nd StArS: cuz i was putting eye drops in my eyes cuz my contacts were dry
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: na ur on crack
SeXx Nd StArS: crack is for niggers
Eme Da 187: i have some meth
SeXx Nd StArS: haha serious? i bought some with jill on wednesday
SeXx Nd StArS: but the guy gave us our money back
SeXx Nd StArS: cuz he didnt have any
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: hahah wow
SeXx Nd StArS: lol im kidding wigger
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: lies
Eme Da 187: i saw u
SeXx Nd StArS: yeah cuz u stalk me
SeXx Nd StArS: dude i always make eye contact with u
SeXx Nd StArS: its weird
Eme Da 187: cuz ur an alien
SeXx Nd StArS: u seriously are a spy
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: oooo im
Eme Da 187: bond, james bond =]
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: wheres ur speed booat
SeXx Nd StArS: and ur utility belt
SeXx Nd StArS: full of gass balls
Eme Da 187: omfg
Eme Da 187: soo gay my myspace keeps on logging off
SeXx Nd StArS: they found out ur a nazi spy and they wnat u dead
Eme Da 187: na they just want to have sex with me
SeXx Nd StArS: yeah so they can stela ur huge cock
SeXx Nd StArS: steal*
Eme Da 187: na
Eme Da 187: my cock will hack them
Eme Da 187: =]
SeXx Nd StArS: have ue ver eaten those little weenies in a can?
Eme Da 187: lol the ones with sugar?
SeXx Nd StArS: haha yeahh
SeXx Nd StArS: my backpack is so hugee =(
SeXx Nd StArS: im gonna have to take an extra one
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: na i havnt
SeXx Nd StArS: i got a pokemon one
SeXx Nd StArS: u havent?!! my mom use to eat them all the time
SeXx Nd StArS: there Nasty
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: they're*
Eme Da 187: wow ill try them i guess
SeXx Nd StArS: yeah with the No salt crackers
Eme Da 187: eww my hotpocket is nasty now..
Eme Da 187: brb
SeXx Nd StArS: lol!!
SeXx Nd StArS: k
Eme Da 187: back
Eme Da 187: techno is awsome
SeXx Nd StArS: haha
SeXx Nd StArS: yeah
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: ima go raving one day
SeXx Nd StArS: lol u havent already?
Eme Da 187: once lol
Eme Da 187: i was on lsd =\
SeXx Nd StArS: lies
SeXx Nd StArS: lol bullshit
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: its fun =D
SeXx Nd StArS: lol copy cat
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: lies
Eme Da 187: u lie
Eme Da 187: nigga u lie
Eme Da 187: U LIE
SeXx Nd StArS: lol no i dont
Eme Da 187: yes u do
SeXx Nd StArS: no i dont , tell me one thing ive lied to u about
SeXx Nd StArS: u are the biggest liar ive ever known
Eme Da 187: no
Eme Da 187: i r the most pure person ever
SeXx Nd StArS: No u are not
Eme Da 187: yes i r
Eme Da 187: me ich bein eine pure person =]
SeXx Nd StArS: lol ich means I
Eme Da 187: ja
Eme Da 187: =]
SeXx Nd StArS: yeah
Eme Da 187: no
Eme Da 187: nigga no
Eme Da 187: ill shoot ur ass if i have 2
SeXx Nd StArS: w/e
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: im bored
SeXx Nd StArS: i have an urge
SeXx Nd StArS: to slap
SeXx Nd StArS: someoen in teh face
SeXx Nd StArS: with a tamale
SeXx Nd StArS: with salt
Eme Da 187: LOL
SeXx Nd StArS: so it likes scrapes them
Eme Da 187: lol ouch
Eme Da 187: gona hurt
SeXx Nd StArS: i know..
SeXx Nd StArS: i wanna do it
SeXx Nd StArS: so bad
Eme Da 187: i wana build a snowman
SeXx Nd StArS: get jars of mayonise
Eme Da 187: eww
Eme Da 187: no mayo is nasty
SeXx Nd StArS: yea it is
SeXx Nd StArS: just make one
SeXx Nd StArS: and put it n the freezer
SeXx Nd StArS: and let it freeze with mayo
SeXx Nd StArS: or soemthing
SeXx Nd StArS: i dunno..
Eme Da 187: EWW MAYO
Eme Da 187: eww
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: cancerous
Eme Da 187: i want to go to ur house and eat all ur food
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: why
SeXx Nd StArS: theres like a bunch of pudding n the fridge
SeXx Nd StArS: i duno why..
SeXx Nd StArS: we havent had pudding for like a year
Eme Da 187: mmmm pudding
SeXx Nd StArS: and than we have a bunch
Eme Da 187: mmm
Eme Da 187: lol poooo ding
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: and cans of weenies
Eme Da 187: weenies are made from xtra parts of an animal lol
SeXx Nd StArS: lol i know that im not stupid
SeXx Nd StArS: so is dennis
SeXx Nd StArS: hes made from extra parts of an animal
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: i didnt no
Eme Da 187: untill some1 todl me
Eme Da 187: i think it was u
SeXx Nd StArS: lol yeah
SeXx Nd StArS: and bologny
Eme Da 187: cuz u didnt wana die cuz ur panada
Eme Da 187: lol panada not panda k? =]
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: LOl
SeXx Nd StArS: k
SeXx Nd StArS: i spell it taht way too
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: a panda had sex witha banana and made u a panada =]
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: so my mom with bazookas
SeXx Nd StArS: fucked my banana daddy
SeXx Nd StArS: and came out Panada
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: bazooookas
Eme Da 187: =]
SeXx Nd StArS: pananda*
SeXx Nd StArS: wait
SeXx Nd StArS: how is it
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
Eme Da 187: panda
Eme Da 187: panada
SeXx Nd StArS: grawrrr i lost like all my thoughts right now and got super bored adfsf sdf asdlkjfsa;kld;jfskd ;SND HYPER OMG LKSDJF;KLAJSD,MN,NVLCXKHJVKDSJF ;lkj lakjdflkjasfd,nm,smdnfkxclh jjfdldjksaflkdsajf;lksj;lkuewoipres,nf,mncvkjhcxvkjhfdg,andkjgaskjdf kjhgkhgkjhg kjjgn,mnfdsa,jfksadhfsdfhkdasfjl;ksjfadlksajflkjsadf;lkjsadlknsad,mfndsa;kfhsdaifhsdajflkdsjflskajfdlkasjfksaljdf;ljsadlkfjasd;ljkfaslkdfjl;sakdjflaskdjflksdajf,mncx,mv,mxnv,mxnv,mxcnvm,xnc,vmnxv,mxnv.,xnv.,cxmn,mvncx,mvx,mvncx,vn,.xcv,mnasdkhfiuewyiurweyiurweyiurwyeriueywiuryewiurwiuyrweoiuyriueywiurqyjkdshfkajhfdlkjhaslfkjahkdslhfaskjdhfmndsbmx,cvdvkjchxviuyediuryweiureiwqokj hhflkhdkfdkjsadnlkjhfsdakjhfkjdsahfkjashdfkjdahsfkjansdfmnxckjlhvdkjshafkjlhdsakjfhasdifuhsuiadfysafyiudsyfuidsafyisuafuiasdyfkjahdfkjhdsaflkjahsdfskjdlhfaksjhfslkjhfakjdshfasdkjfashldkjfhaslkdhfalksjdhflkjsahdfkjdsahkjfshadkjfashfkjasdhfkjahlkfjdhalkjshdfkjlshdakjfashfkjdhasfkjashdkjhfsadkjhdfsakjfdjkhkcxjhviufiuwyreiusakhdjkhxkjfhakldhfalkjhfdskdjshfmdshkfja'
SeXx Nd StArS: DENNIS OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Eme Da 187: LOL

Eme Da 187: AMANDA OMG
SeXx Nd StArS: slkdjaflkasjfdlkasjfkljasdlkjakdlsjfklasjfdlksajdfkljsdafsadfsadfsdafsadfsadhfdhbvc bvcxbdfasgasdgsdfsadfasdfsadfsadkfjdslkjfdslkjflkasjdfl;kjsadl;kjfas;dljkfa;lsdjfklsakdjf;lasjdflsajdflkjsadlfjksa;dljflsdkjlksdajflksajdfl;kjasdlf;kjsadlk;jfaslkdjfaklsdjfklasjdflkjsadklfjaksldjfasdn,mv,mxcnv,mncx,v.mnx,.mnv.,cx
SeXx Nd StArS: hugo is a funny name
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: and Julio
Eme Da 187: so is aldo
SeXx Nd StArS: aldo isnt a name
SeXx Nd StArS: wtf
SeXx Nd StArS: aldo
SeXx Nd StArS: wtf
Eme Da 187: lol yes
SeXx Nd StArS: omggg lol1!!!
Eme Da 187: i no some1 named that
SeXx Nd StArS: well hes gay
SeXx Nd StArS: cuz his penis fell off
SeXx Nd StArS: cuzz
SeXx Nd StArS: his name is aldo
Eme Da 187: LOL
SeXx Nd StArS: cuz hes not n the bible
SeXx Nd StArS: like amanda
SeXx Nd StArS: aslkdjfasl;kfjd;lskajdfl;ksjdaflkdjsaf;ljdksaflkjadslkfjasdlfkjsad,mnf,mxcnvd
SeXx Nd StArS: vdsaflkjsaldkfjlskafdjsa
SeXx Nd StArS: dfsa
SeXx Nd StArS: df
SeXx Nd StArS: asdf
Eme Da 187: LOL
SeXx Nd StArS: is what ull be yelling
Eme Da 187: i have some1 named aldo and hugo in my german class
SeXx Nd StArS: LOL!!!
SeXx Nd StArS: rawr
SeXx Nd StArS: die jews diee
SeXx Nd StArS: STAB STAB grawr
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: dude im typing so much
SeXx Nd StArS: my arm is strainging
Eme Da 187: wow amanda got the devil inside of her
SeXx Nd StArS: it hurts
SeXx Nd StArS: but omg
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: niiice
SeXx Nd StArS: ur face
Eme Da 187: caca
SeXx Nd StArS: is the devil
SeXx Nd StArS: DER
Eme Da 187: The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again.

Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: ca ca smells
SeXx Nd StArS: STUPID COMPUTER SAID I TYPE TOO MUCH!!! now i gotta wait. CACA SMELLS LIKE UR FACE AFTER U KISS THE MIRROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!omg
Eme Da 187: LOL

SeXx Nd StArS: u kno u do
SeXx Nd StArS: u lick the mirror going
SeXx Nd StArS: oh IM SO SEXY
Eme Da 187: omg kissing the mirrior is soo cool
SeXx Nd StArS: and u just make out with it
SeXx Nd StArS: anjd leave
Eme Da 187: OO YS

Eme Da 187: I HAVE
SeXx Nd StArS: fog stains
Eme Da 187: tastes goood!@@
SeXx Nd StArS: haha me too =
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: haha
SeXx Nd StArS: OMG
SeXx Nd StArS: im gonna get a pepino
SeXx Nd StArS: and just thorw it
SeXx Nd StArS: at someone
SeXx Nd StArS: and its gon a give them a bruise
SeXx Nd StArS: haha
SeXx Nd StArS: im a walking jalapeno
SeXx Nd StArS: i make all the boys drool
SeXx Nd StArS: and all the girls tear
SeXx Nd StArS: =)!!!!!!
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: pickels
SeXx Nd StArS: OMG
Eme Da 187: eww
Eme Da 187: i hate them
SeXx Nd StArS: picklelesds8
SeXx Nd StArS: lksdjflksjf
Eme Da 187: unles they from a jar whole
SeXx Nd StArS: YES!
Eme Da 187: i hate pickels form hamburgers
Eme Da 187: soo nasty
SeXx Nd StArS: the ones that are nasty
SeXx Nd StArS: are the ones from MCDONALDS
SeXx Nd StArS: haha u live in mcdonals
SeXx Nd StArS: in a bo
SeXx Nd StArS: box*
SeXx Nd StArS: and u jump out
SeXx Nd StArS: and go RAWR
SeXx Nd StArS: and bite ppls legs
Eme Da 187: lol eww mcdonalds
SeXx Nd StArS: and than u run away
Eme Da 187: i hate it
SeXx Nd StArS: laughign and skipping
Eme Da 187: i like the ice cream tho
Eme Da 187: i was liek at mcdonalds one day.. the lady asked for my number... i was like wtf.... im supposto ask =\
SeXx Nd StArS: lOL!
SeXx Nd StArS: dude
Eme Da 187: she was ugly
SeXx Nd StArS: we should
SeXx Nd StArS: climb a tree
SeXx Nd StArS: and go
SeXx Nd StArS: like tarzan
Eme Da 187: LOL
Eme Da 187: I HAVE
Eme Da 187: it hurts
SeXx Nd StArS: omg
Eme Da 187: u like choke
SeXx Nd StArS: im not u
SeXx Nd StArS: i dont go AW AW AW
SeXx Nd StArS: all retarded
SeXx Nd StArS: and b ruise my lungs
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: i have big boobs =]
SeXx Nd StArS: not as big as mine
SeXx Nd StArS: there small
SeXx Nd StArS: there like
Eme Da 187: yes bigger than urs
SeXx Nd StArS: little puss balls
SeXx Nd StArS: No
SeXx Nd StArS: mines are bigger
SeXx Nd StArS: than urs
SeXx Nd StArS: aw aw aw aw!!
Eme Da 187: LOL
SeXx Nd StArS: rawrr
Eme Da 187: my boobs are bigger than pamila andersons
SeXx Nd StArS: squash
SeXx Nd StArS: haha
SeXx Nd StArS: she dont have any
SeXx Nd StArS: tommy lee fucked them so hard they went falt
SeXx Nd StArS: flat*
Eme Da 187: tony the tiger
SeXx Nd StArS: isnt all that gRRReat in bed
SeXx Nd StArS: omg did i tell u
SeXx Nd StArS: i dreamed
SeXx Nd StArS: i had sex with a lion
Eme Da 187: ya u did
SeXx Nd StArS: it talked and everything
Eme Da 187: like 3 times lol
SeXx Nd StArS: its all the chronicles
SeXx Nd StArS: of narnia
SeXx Nd StArS: fallutl
SeXx Nd StArS: u fat head
SeXx Nd StArS: dude im gonan cry
SeXx Nd StArS: im too hyper
Eme Da 187: i had the same dream liek 4 times already.... its cool cuz im like superman and i can fly
SeXx Nd StArS: its not funny OMG
Eme Da 187: and i had sex with liek 29 girls =]
SeXx Nd StArS: hahaha
SeXx Nd StArS: ur had sex with ur mom
SeXx Nd StArS: 29 times
SeXx Nd StArS: EW
Eme Da 187: lol
Eme Da 187: eww ur lma
Eme Da 187: eewww
Eme Da 187: ewww
Eme Da 187: eww
Eme Da 187: ew
Eme Da 187: e
SeXx Nd StArS: so super man doesnt have a penis
SeXx Nd StArS: i was watching the movie
SeXx Nd StArS: and his suit is ON WAY TOO TIGHT
SeXx Nd StArS: so ive came to the conclusion
SeXx Nd StArS: he has no penis
Eme Da 187: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: and his fruity curl
SeXx Nd StArS: on his head
Eme Da 187: but i do have a penis =]
SeXx Nd StArS: haha thats in a jar
SeXx Nd StArS: cuz it fell off
Eme Da 187: yes yes
SeXx Nd StArS: from straingin it
SeXx Nd StArS: so hard
Eme Da 187: i can make it bigger =]
SeXx Nd StArS: from trying to pee
Eme Da 187: haha today.. i tried to straighten my hair with a relaxer again.. but i bought the wrong one =[
SeXx Nd StArS: again!
Eme Da 187: lol ya
SeXx Nd StArS: ur a dumB Peanut
Eme Da 187: and ur straightner.. is fucking up my hair lol
Eme Da 187: its all dry
SeXx Nd StArS: lol i havent used that one in a long time
SeXx Nd StArS: lol well thats ur prob u put it on too high
Eme Da 187: lol u can adjust the temp?
SeXx Nd StArS: lol yes u dumbass
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: u cant see it tho
SeXx Nd StArS: lol
SeXx Nd StArS: cuz the writing came off
Eme Da 187: lol no no im smart as a cookie
SeXx Nd StArS: im gonan put this convo in my live journal
Eme Da 187: ooo brb
Eme Da 187: i want some cookies
SeXx Nd StArS: cuz i cant think of anythign else to upt
Eme Da 187: aww man some1 ate them all
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