Feb 11, 2003 17:26
hello kids. a little conversation between meagan and myself. forgive me for not cutting. enjoy(:
(note: I = iil x huni)
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:20 PM]: You really should learn how to spell
Iil x huni [4:20 PM]: spell what? dirty nasty ass whore? i think im spellin that just fine
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:20 PM]: B/c thats not how you spell klepto
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:21 PM]: DUMB ASS
Iil x huni [4:21 PM]: well forgive me for not caring enough to look up the words that im insulting you with
Iil x huni [4:21 PM]: and do you use the same arguement with everyone who IMs you?
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:21 PM]: Yeah
Iil x huni [4:21 PM]: learn to spell?? because that is really pathetic
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:21 PM]: B/c you're ALL STUPID
Iil x huni [4:22 PM]: stupid?! oh good one!
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:22 PM]: Not as pathetic as you are
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:22 PM]: I know
Iil x huni [4:22 PM]: oh please meagan, do teach me these wonderful insults of yours!
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:22 PM]: You like that huh?
Iil x huni [4:22 PM]: oh yeah, im parthetic.. true story there
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:22 PM]: My good you need to stay in school a while b/c you need to learn how to spell
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:23 PM]: It's pathetic...not parthetic
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:23 PM]: STUPID
Iil x huni [4:23 PM]: this from the girl who is my exact grade.. and you are telling me to learn how to spell??
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:23 PM]: Yes
Iil x huni [4:23 PM]: oh theres the word again!
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:23 PM]: What word?
Iil x huni [4:23 PM]: why, i think im enjoying this little trip back to 1st grade you've arranged
Iil x huni [4:23 PM]: 'stupid' keep up sweetie
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:23 PM]: You are very uneducated
Iil x huni [4:24 PM]: and youre very fucked up, whats ur point?
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:24 PM]: You should just drop out now
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:24 PM]: I'm not fucked up
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:24 PM]: You don't even know me
Iil x huni [4:24 PM]: why? so you can feel safer in school and stop running from me in the halls?
Iil x huni [4:24 PM]: i know you well enough, im happy to stop learning about you
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:24 PM]: I don't run from you
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:24 PM]: I never see you
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:25 PM]: Which is really good b/c you'r face makes me gag
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:25 PM]: Have you ever thought about getting that fixed
Iil x huni [4:25 PM]: better a face that makes you gag than having hair with rats in it
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:25 PM]: Oh
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:25 PM]: Who's in 1st grade now?
Iil x huni [4:25 PM]: and dont pull that i never see you shit because before your little stealing my shit incident i saw you all the time
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:27 PM]: Well thats b/c we had a class together
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:27 PM]: Gosh you're dumb
Iil x huni [4:28 PM]: oh and what i great time i had in there, 'gosh you're dumb'? what are you gonna say next 'well golly gee neeny, i really didn't take your cell phone'
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:28 PM]: NOPE
Iil x huni [4:28 PM]: well thats something at least
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:30 PM]: Whatever
Iil x huni [4:32 PM]: so i suppose ur gonna show this conversation to the cops too? seeing as how ur on their good side and everything
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:32 PM]: Why do you say I'm on their good side
Iil x huni [4:32 PM]: hi, welcome to sarcasm
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:33 PM]: Just b/c I didn't do anything doesn't mean I'm on their good side
Iil x huni [4:33 PM]: you missed my point, do u need me to explain it to you so you can understand or would u just like to accept the fact that you really cant keep up?
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:34 PM]: You just make no sense
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:34 PM]: So thats why I don't understand your uneducated ass
Iil x huni [4:34 PM]: well oh my! throw me in jail the great meagan doesnt understand me
Iil x huni [4:35 PM]: oh would u stop with that lame uneducated shit? im in the same grade as you can taking honors classes, we both know im smarter so dont bother
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:36 PM]: Well if you're smarter then why can't you spell
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:36 PM]: ????????????
Iil x huni [4:36 PM]: omg, are you still on that 'its klepto!' shit? get over it its one word
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:37 PM]: So
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:38 PM]: It just shows your stupidy
Iil x huni [4:38 PM]: stupid or not, it makes no difference really... youre the one thats running from me n my friends in the hallway and threating to call the cops for saying things like 'tear you up'
Iil x huni [4:38 PM]: do you practice hard at being a coward or does it come naturally?
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:39 PM]: I learned it from you
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:39 PM]: Your the one having your friends contact me
Iil x huni [4:40 PM]: i dont NEED to have my friends contact u bitch, they do it for me because that actually like me
Iil x huni [4:40 PM]: not something i would expect you to understand
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:40 PM]: No see the thing is i told all my friends not to talk or say anything to you b/c I can fight for myself
Iil x huni [4:41 PM]: oh and your doing such a great job of that too
Iil x huni [4:41 PM]: i mean you're really hurting my feelings with all this 'learn to spell' and 'your dumb' shit
xDirrtyBlonde05x [4:43 PM]: Well you think you're hurting my feelings
Iil x huni [4:43 PM]: no no, i dont give a shit about ur feelings enough to really care if im hurting them
Iil x huni [4:44 PM]: you see, when you stole my phone and lied about it and then lied about it again and then kept the clothes you promised to give back.. well i kinda got over whatever friendship feelings i ever had
Iil x huni [4:44 PM]: you understand that im sure
Iil x huni [4:59 PM]: im sorry, are you too busy attempting to talk shit to my friends to deal with me?
well, i would update on my day but im just too giddy with amusement to do so right now. i love you all<3