Feb 02, 2007 19:26
ok first off lets talk about how we're not even three weeks into the semester and lenhardt has already has 6 fire drillsss? two being last night and one the night before. oh and last week's when i was in the shower.. awww my first in the shower fire alarm experience. special.
anyway, things have been pretty good. classes are going pretty well. i already feel like im falling behind in some of them though, which isnt good. but i honestly cant keep up with all the reading sometimes. oh well. i'm slightly intimidated by my tv class though and thats only because changfu chang's (sweet name) english isnt that great and he talks really fast. and my electronics class too a little because thats really not my thing and i feel like everyone else is better/faster at it.
i've been kind of blah lately because-okay- i dont want to make it sound like i'm saying "I WANT A BOYFRIEND"
(for the fucking record i just lost the rest of this entry. i had the above saved. damnie.)
anyway, i'm not saying that i need a boyfriend, but really recently (the past week) steph and evan turned into a thing and christie and mike have a thing going on too. both of those two "couples" are on dates right now. and theyve been hanging out everyyyy night. its just really awkward when the i have to hang out with the four of them in my room or something and theyre all cuddley and coupley. and i cant go anywhere bc its late at night and heather is with kyle or something. i dont have a problem with any of this, it just fucking sucks for me. im really not the kind of girl who thinks she neeeeeeeeeeds a boyfriend, becuase i dont. but when im with the rest of them, or theyre all together and i have no one to hang out with, i want one. im not gonna lie, a big part of this is that i'm jealous. i'm jealous that those two have guys chasing after them at all times and if my life depended on a guy looking at me, i would be dead. its whatever though, i guess i just need to be patient.
ps i am making a whole bunch of my old entries (from when i was like, 13) private, so if you want to read them and laugh at me, do it now cause they wont be public forever. i'm doing it because they are extremely embarrassing. i used to say things like "ima bizounce" and "one love". LOLOLOL. i was so gangsta. i really had no choice though. i was 13 and was growing up in pottsgrove. who can you blame. honestly. but why did i have friends back then? why didnt anyone slap me? if i'm ever that immature again (not including the above paragraph LOL) please tell me. damn.
pps i'm really blonde right now.