Dec 31, 2004 20:30
Today seemed a bit pointless until about 2:47 p.m. when i jumped in the shower and headed to the mall for some quality movie time with Payton and Mollie. We went to see "Finding Neverland", and I recommend going to see it or at least renting it. Payton was amazed at my family's idea of ripping off Carmike by reusing the popcorn bags and getting free refills. It was pretty funny I guess. My mom picked me up and we drove to United where, lo and behold, I saw Payton and Mollie yet again! We were there for the common purpose of black-eyed peas. Tasty. Not. Tonight is New Year's Eve, and I'll be eating left over sausage balls from Christmas Eve. Yum x 2. I haven't talked to Colter for two days. I thought this was kind of strange because he usually calls like twice a day. Hmmm....