Auras & Chakras...

May 30, 2009 21:27

So today at work we had an aura reader in the store for a few hours... she had a couple of open spots so I decided to get my auras and chakra's read.  Was very neat, she actually has a machine which works with the reflexology of your hand, and it reads your auras and prints them out full colour... I should scan mine sometime but maybe when I have 2...

She was very very good, and was able to pinpoint that I have been working my butt off lately and feeling not as appreciated for my efforts, and that at times it feels like a "hamster on a wheel" so to speak which is -exactly- what it has felt like the past week with this "slow" move that we did... and the "slow" fact that it took forever for one thing and slow in that my stuff isn't even being unpacked really because I'm moving to the Island on Monday.  The result is that I have felt extremely worn out and in dire need of some R&R on the Rock.  She also saw that my heart chakra is basically drained and in need of a lot of attention, apparently I have a really really big heart and will give give give and need to stop and remember to take time for myself.  She said that she felt that there was a person or a situation that had become a real drain on me and there was a LOT of grey around the heart area, with only a couple very small splashes of colour indicating that I was even still alive LOL

So, she gave me homework and I began working on some of the stuff tonight.  I think it will really really help, living on the island again and just being away from all of this.  I need sea salts (Its about that time of the year to go ocean swimming anyhow) and sunshine, and lots and lots of trees.  lol  Trees and water, trees and water she said... so... Nanaimo should be just about perfect, lots of trees and surrounded by water!  I'll definitely have to go see my mum & dad while I'm on the island though and lets face it, I could be there a while.

I'm looking forward to being away from all of this, I'm looking forward to being around my friends & my family & my land, my water... my home.

Came home today and sat in a bath with bath salts, scent "Unwind" from my work, in the hopes that it would help me ... unwind... and wow did it ever.  I sat in the bath, and I leaned back, closed my eyes, and just let myself get lost in the smell.  I ended up asleep as you can probably imagine, but feel so much better!!  Now I'm nearly done packing the Jeep for the move, just have to add some clothes really... and art if I can fit it in there... will have to see because I have a cabinet that I'm taking over to the mainland for my work.

Certain organs of mine are working overtime, it was an interesting read :)  I shall have to scan it & post it up sometime :)

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