State of Me: In terms of the game, I'm leaps and bounds from where I was at this time last month and even the first half of this one. With the exception of V-Day plot and Coop's EP, I just couldn't stand to look at TR at all. I don't know why. But after getting back in the swing of things and EPing Asher recently I've just wanted to EP EVERYONE since then and I just really love the game right now. I guess I just needed that break for whatever reason.
Asher Talos
Finally got an EP after how many months? I lost count... He's trucking along, and the biggest thing I can think of happening with him relatively soon-ish would be the twins' first birthday. Riveting stuff, I know! Two months after that will be another island-versary, but he'd rather not think about that.
Hush Plot: I want to say yes... but at the same time, have him able to talk while certain others can't would make him unbearably smug, which could also potentially result in a lot of fun. I dunno.
Time Loop Plot: The only thing I can imagine him going back for is to rewrite his last few seconds in canon. Which would mean killing Abby before she gets the chance to kill him and then shooting Blade like he should have instead of dicking around. Don't know if I'll do it, it's just all I've come up with as a possibility.
Shawn Spencer
Pineapple bowling! I don't even know, but his voice is so much stronger now that the season is finally over. End of season jitters are always blah and then once it's over I feel like I have free reign again till the next one starts up. I WORRY SO MUCH WITH HIM. Even after two years.
I kept flip-flopping on his item so now I'm back at NOTHING and I'll probably wait till I do some re-watching of a few episodes before choosing. Other than that, I don't think I have anything planned for him... On a super random note though? After the reminder that the IPD are allowed to sign out tasers for patrolling the thought that jumped into my head instantly was literally 'Poor Gus'. Because of this, Shawn isn't allowed a taser. Ever :T
Hush Plot: Possibly.
Time Loop Plot: Probably not? I don't think there's anything he'd want to change.
Lew Ashby
He's not dead! \o/ I mean he is dead in canon and all, but his voice isn't. I haven't done anything with him yet this month because of Coop being bogged down with speed dating and the EPs for my other two pups, but he'll be getting one either Tuesday or Wednesday. With Coop. Offering him coke :D
Hush Plot: Nope.
Time Loop Plot: Not dying would be nice... Actually making it downstairs to see Janie ;__;
Fitch Cooper
I love him so damn much. omg. He's still new-ish, so beyond meeting new people I don't have anything planed for him until season two progress a bit more (sooner, possibly, but only if The Thing happens /vague). I know he'll be finding the magazine that lists him as one of the top doctors in Manhattan eventually, and that'll make him a happy bunny and potentially too smug and overbearing for his own good. Aslo? There is Operation Make Coop Cry. That pretty much does what it says on the package. I'm determined to make him cry, because canon showed it to me and now I want a cry baby Coop of my own.
And as mentioned above, joint EP with Ashby soon.
Hush Plot: Nope.
Time Loop Plot: Nope.
The Future
As of right now, Deadpool is still on track for being next, but he might be bumped back again if I can't get over my OMFG SO MUCH CANON phobia. I feel like there's a new 'pool title every week and at this point that's probably not far from the truth.
I have someone else in mind that I'm not even going to bother naming because I'm doing my best to fend them off with a stick... We'll see how long that lasts.