Sep 11, 2010 02:51
The end of Laboredanus was eventual. The Countess had just had a miscarriage, a tragic instance for dwarves and women alike. She grew estranged from her Consort, and took to roaming the forgotten halls of the lower sub-levels, bewailing her misfortune. Still, orders had to be made, and she demanded the production of black bronze scepters, for reasons scrutable to herself alone.
Meanwhile, upstairs, dozens of dwarves were starving to death due to the troublesome goblin that had taken up residence in the moat. Several options were tried to solve it, such as building a separate bridge, sending in troops, flooding the moat further. None of them worked. Smush the Boogiegoblin simply would not leave. In the space of a few moments, all the terrified dwarves began frenzying, a vast, violent mob of seething rage, until they all began to collapse of thirst and food deprivation. Within a short period of time, 42 dwarves were dead, and their corpses littered the field in front of the fortress.
Those 42 dwarves all had friends and relatives inside the fortress, and a gigantic riot started. Shops were destroyed, sculptures were smashed to the ground, furniture was thrown around, and the Hammerer and the Fortress/Royal Guards didn't have enough cages to house all the offenders. With his mighty hammer, the Hammerer began smashing in skulls at a frightening rate, a sickening spray of red commas and semicolons littered the ASCII hallways.
Acting quickly, I, the Benevolent Diety of Laboredanus, sealed the royal chambers to prevent damage to their beautiful interiors. Unfortunately, the Count Consort, the Tax Collector, the Mayor and the Philosopher were still in them, as well as a few lower-caste hangers-on. They were safe from the peasants, but now they were doomed to their own slow, desperate deaths.
Meanwhile, the Countess returned from her mope around the catacombs, to find her chambers sealed for perpetuity. She went mad. She climbed to the top of the execution tower, declared that a party was going to be held, and promptly threw herself off.
The dwarves abandoned Laboredanus that winter, what few stragglers survived. The royal court could still be heard banging against the locked floodgates of their pleasure palace, but nobody was there to release the lever, which was three stories up.