Sep 05, 2006 16:40
I think it has become a mind-boggling subject for my friends, or even just people in general to depict the differences in the way that I handle things. I think my reaction to less-than-stellar acts toward morality gets confused with a reaction to a dramatized interpretation of that certain act that may lack the types of morals I respect.Although I may not talk about the subject much, I have most of the same morals as the next shmoe. I don't think it is right to cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend. I don't think it's right to fuck someone, then fifteen minutes later, knock on someone's else's door. I don't think its right take your "best friend's" name, then throw it to the mud and give it a good stomp. If you are guilty of doing things that you know in your heart is wrong, that's okay, we all do it....but if you're guilty of continuously making these acts publically known, lying about it, decieving those closest to you, etc...then chances are you're not going to feel quite right inside...and if you do, that's another story. My reactions to these acts don't have anything to do with what Sally came up to me and said, it has nothing to do with whether or not Bobby heard you guys did that. It has to do with the fact that if I know exactly what happened, without a doubt, then I will react according to the way I feel I should. If you cheat on my best friend, chances are, I'm not going to want to be around you. If you sleep with three guys in a night, chances are, I'd rather date someone that doesn't have a blantant personnal reputation for it. It has nothing to do with a grapevine. I don't even eat grapes very often. The point is, it has to do with the fact that if people can't respect themselves, in whichever way it may occur to that person....then chances are they can't respect other people, and can't respect me. I respect everyone untill the point of action comes where I lose it. If I'm not around you, in most cases, it's not because I'm afriad it'll make someone mad, or it'll get talked about, or anything to do with any new-age present day drama. It is simply because I don't want to be around you.
Don't ask, because chances are I'll have to repeat this to you, using your actions and your name....and even then, you still won't understand it.
Just don't ask, and let me do my own thing. I owe no explanations, because I don't ask for any.
I've decided to let go of something that has haunted me for quite some time now. Maybe not physically, but definitly mentally. Something that came and went and I realized should not of een as important to me as it was. In all actuality it's not a something at all....its a someone....but in the lack of the caring department, it might as well be a something.
Gone. Refreshed.
The toleration of the people I AM around is growing thin. Of course I'll always respect any decision they make, I will not offer any consolation to situations I did agree with in the first place, especially if my opinion was asked. Most of you know, I'll only express my opinion about other's situations if I am asked by the person the situation involves. On top of that, now, I will only express my opinion if it has not been metaphorically told to go fuck itself by the person who asked for advice in the first place. Simple as cake.
I guess I sound like I'm being assertive, but is that so wrong?
Things are confusing in the heart, but at least they aren't lost or sad.
Peace and Love