I'm happy and single, haha. I'm at ease with myself about it and I'm sure everyone else is too. I realized I don't need to be with someone to be happy, I'm happy by myself. I never realized how much fun I am, haha. It's great to do things on your own and I needed that. I needed to find out who I was otherwise I wasn't going to be happy and I want that.
This past weekend was Easter and I finally saw my mom on Saturday, it had been awhile and I really do miss her alot. We went and saw my grandparents and as usual my grandpa had no interest in me but did in my brother, ah well, it's his loss. I did manage to have an awesome conversation with my gramma and she told me alot of stuff about her past and our familes past, it was really interesting.
On Sunday we went over to my step mother's and had the Easter thing there as well. I got to spend some time with my adorable nephews, they are soooo cute! I love them to death.
This is Cooper, he is 8 months
and this is Ryan, he's 2
Anyways a little bit of an update, I'm going to California again this summer to see Seb and hopefully Jess and my best friend Kristin is coming with me this time so it should be great. The job is the same old shit but eh, that happens haha. OOOOH I'm moving out in June which is really exciting yet scary at the same time. It's a 2 bedroom appartment so I'm making Kristin move in with me so I'm not alone, haha.
Well, there is the update. Need to know anything, just ask.
Have an awesome day everyone <3333