May 22, 2006 00:46
This is going to be a random entry.
It's now a little past mid-May. Sounds like a song I know...
I know its still early to reflect on this past month, but whatever. May has had it's ups and downs. It's many ups and downs. I say many because, every up and every down we experience togther. That thing you're going through right now, your friends are going through it to. Right now, we are living our lives together. So what happens to you, affects me, and what happens to me, affects you. That's why things are going to be so hard at the end of June. Because suddenly, our lives will all separate and we will be out on our own. It's not so much the goodbyes, because if we really want too, we will find a way to stay friends. It's just steping off that line, moving forward, facing that change, that's going to get us in the end.
Speaking of friends, sometimes I wish we had more time. I realized tonight that there's still so much that we don't know about each other. It's not that we don't want people to know, its just... there's a time and place for everything.
Went to go see the DaVinci Code tonight. It was really good, and it didn't feel as long as the two and a half hours that it was. At the beginning of the movie Steph guessed the ending. Way to ruin it Steph. But anyways, I'm going to read the book now, after Steph finishes it first of course. Even though it's my book, she insists she has to start reading it right away.
Some random guy who works at the theatre introduced the movie tonight. He was rambling on about random things and it was really funny. A perfect way to describe him; some dude who wants to get into the entertainment business but is suck in some dead-end job at the local theatre for the time being.
Steph and I were the youngest people in the theatre. We were surrounded by baby boomers and generation Xers. Guess we're old for our age. Wise beyond our years.
After going through 101 moments worth living, I have a few more things to add to my list of things-to-do. Here's an interesting one: "Do nothing."
I spilled the dress story. So now basically everyone knows. It never really was much of a story. And I don't really lie that much.
Read an interesting article today about happiness. Apparently we have a hard time accurately forcasting happiness in our lives. We tend to only see the short term effects. And we hardly ever listen to others and their experinces because we think we are different from everyone else. The article said the best way to make a decision that's going to largely affect your life is to base it on others' experiences, because really, in the end we are all the same so things affect us similarly. This just made me think about our university decisions. As much as we think that things are going to be hard next year, for whatever reason; no friends, being away from home, not being in the right program, difficult workload, etc., we're still going to be happy. As least according to what these researchers say.
So now its really late and everyone has gone offline and gone to bed, so I guess I'll go now.