So I said at the end of my last post that I would show pictures of my lovely fish. lol I'm a dork I know. But here are some pictures. I didn't take any pictures of my Guppies. I tried but none of them turned out. You can see a bit of them in the very first picture of the aquarium pics.
Here is the new 29 gallon tank
This is Hitler. He is the oldest of my fish. I've had him for a little over a year now. When he was a baby he had a black mark right above his upper lip, which gives him the name, Hitler. lol He's my favorite fish and gives me tons of kisses and makes sure I pet him every day.
Meet Morty. He's my second oldest. I've had him for 8 months. He follows Hitler around like a lost puppy. It's funny.
Now on to the newbies
Puff is one of the two Figure 8 Puffers I have. They are so cute and fun to watch.
Ferr is the other Puffer. I love their bellies!
Now this is Sherman the blue lobster. He is mostly blue with purple and pink shading. He thinks he's a badass, but in all reality, he's nothing but a scaredy cat! lol
And just for fun, I found Maddie sleeping like this during her morning nap today. I had to post it! Totally adorable!