Oh man, so long, so little livejournal updating. No cookie for me.
In my defense, moving and finding employment are both very arduous tasks that require one to spend an overabundant amount of time in the "real world." It wasn't pretty. But at last that is all behind me; I'm back working at Movieworks and, now that I have been soundly rejected by NYU, am done with the stress of waiting to hear from schools (I got into The New School as well so, all in all, it was College: 1 Gabby: 2, VICTORY IS MINE.)
I just don't have the energy at this moment to really pontificate at length about the various fandom crises that went down during my radio silence, but seriously, fuck fanlib and fuck "Warriors For Innocence" and the creepifying horse they rode in on.
This bit of fanart is an awesome response to the whole fanlib thing and
this post pretty much sums up my deep satisfaction with fandom's reaction to it. Strikethrough '07 basically hit all my biggest fears censorship and "THE MAN IS GOING TO KILL FANDOM, I KNOW IT" wise, but again I was overwhelmed and overjoyed by the fannish reaction to it. We weren't having it and, in a well coordinated posting, e-mailing, commenting, cat macro and phone calling campaign, we managed both to bring lj's actions to the attention of the mainstream and to get the livejournal higher-ups to undo most (if not all) of the damage they had wrought. I got the V for victory/vendetta vibe most strongly when they admitted that they were in the wrong and in
this post when they promised to reverse the suspensions of "All Fandom journals" and (hopefully) secured fandom's safety on livejournal forever and ever amen.
Plus, I just liked gleefully watching the membership on
fandom_counts go up by like three hundred people an hour day after day after day. Long story short, livejournal let themselves be bullied by right wing extremists, we called them on it and (eventually) they acknowledged that they had made a mistake and at least look like they're trying to fix it (not that they had much choice with
comments maxed out on the May 24th news post, demanding a response from them and generally ridiculing their little foray into thought police land). Yay us!
I went with my mommmy and daddy (I am SO COOL) to see a sneak preview of Michael Moore's new movie "Sicko" and it was so good and I'm moving to Canada RIGHT NOW. Our health care system, hell, our society is just so fundamentally screwed up in so many ways, its exhausting just thinking about it. I mean, I'm not positive that other countries (especially Cuba) are quite as utopian as Moore paints them but still, see the movie, think deep thoughts and plot the downfall of capitalism with me in some arty cafe in France. In closing, I get that in some ways his movies are propaganda, but with all the propaganda we get from the other direction EVERY SINGLE DAY, I don't really know if that's a bad thing. His movies make me laugh, make me cry little girl tears and usually involve "taking on the man" to groovetastic music, so I really can't find the bad.
Vid recs for great justice:
Faster Kill Pussycat by
talitha78 - Absolutely smoking hot Chloe/Lana vid. It fills me with lesbionic joy and thus you should go watch it RIGHT NOW.
Such Great Heights by
keewick - McKay and Sheppard are total dorks and they are so doing it and that is all I have to say about that. This vid is so fun and full of gay love. And I am in favor of that.
Talk Show Host by
hollywoodgrrl - A simply kick ass character study of Sheppard in the The Storm and The Eye. Great song selection and awesome effects and did I mention that I love this Sheppard? Everything about this vid just clicks and makes me adore the episodes even more.
Um, I am going to be ready to post my latest vid any day now, have seen many really good movies in the past few months and probably have many other things that I was going to share with ye old internets but the hour grows late and I have work at ten in the morning tomorrow. Grrr, sleep is for the weak.
Yo, Ho, haul together
Hoist the colours high!
Heave Ho
Thieves and beggars
Never shall we die!