::keysmash and other expressions of delight::
This is... wow. Just wow. I've wanted to go for so long and now I'm finally old enough and have enticed
dearworld_sorry to go with me and... ::writhes with excitement:: I'M SO READY!!!
In less compelling news:
- Applied for a job at Barnes and Nobles. Had to go back the next day and get the guy to give me my application back because I forgot to sign it the first time around. Was deeply shamed.
- Roommate's friend was here for the weekend. She is sullen, angry, VERY INTO SHOPPING, talks trash about the roommate on the phone when said roommate is not within earshot and spends the rest of her time on the phone talking about BOYS. Because the roommate is one of the nicest people on earth, she's been letting this monstrosity sleep in her bed while she sleeps on the couch. Friend is a mouth breather. An unbelievably loud mouth breather. It interrupts my rest. And now, because the friend is a moron and bought her plane ticket for March 18th instead of February 18th, she has to stay here until Tuesday. I think me and the roommate might have to enter into a suicide pact.
- I've sent my SAT scores and transcripts from Fordham and BHS to all my transfer schools, now I just have to deal with the letters of recommendation and, you know, the actual applications. Help?
- I have a huge research paper coming up for history. And no idea when it's actually due. This cannot end well. Up side, I'm really interested in the whole separation of church and state topic so hopefully I won't want to commit acts of violence while working on it.
- I've finally starting listening to the Tegan and Sara CD I got for Christmas (If It Was You) and it's soooo good and so fitting to my mood of late. Only lesbian Canadian folk singers can feel my pain.
ZOMG I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE I'M ACTUALLY GOING! ::runs around the room, suit mates plan intervention::
Is it August yet?