Aug 02, 2011 20:01
ugh, i was really bored during math lecture just now so i posted something. but i guess the silly trinity internet didn't let me post it, so whatever. i'll try to remember what i wrote, but i dont think anyone really cares anymore haha. who still even reads this silly page apart from people on their friends pages?
so anyway, its been a while since i've posted. over a month? i've had my semester 2 exams, did pretty alright, hope i can maintain my marks. went back to singapore in the measly 2 week break trinity gave us, it was great. its not that i hate it here in melbourne or anything, but at the time, things were getting too much here, there was bitching, and it was just such a relief to be able to get away from it all and back in singapore. it felt like i was leading two different lives, which i kind of was i guess. it was just so surreal when i was back in singapore. melbourne seemed like such a far away, remote dream. but it was good being back. even though it was bloody hot, and i was sweating the moment i stepped out the house, it was still awesome to be back. because there were all the people, the friends, my family, the food. but not just that. i just missed singapore. i missed the convenience, i missed the silly aunties being kiasu, the safety, everything. especially the malls being open part 5pm -.- i had so much fun when i was back in singapore. i was barely home. i loved it. 2 weeks was too bloody short, there were some people i didn't see or have a chance to spend enough time with. sighhhh. but anyway, yup. it was good for me, and i needed it so badly. it reassured me, and my little insecurities. hahaha. leaving a second time was harder, but easier at the same time. does that make sense? it feels so weird for me to think that when i see all those people again... their a levels would have been over. they'd have conquered this huge huge major challenge. and i wasn't there to see it. it's just weird i guess. hahaha.
but melbourne's good too. there's people here i love, and i hope they love me back too hehe. just celebrated cheryl's birthday, i had so much fun. there was a hairy moment this afternoon when i thought that i'd spoilt the surprise, and i was experiencing massive amounts of guilt, but turns out i didn't, so yay. ^^ feeling so happy. plus, my parents are coming next saturday for my sister's graduation, and the weather's getting warmer! ;) now i just need to vomit out 3 essays and my life will be perfect. ah well!