
Aug 18, 2005 13:38

ok theres a hooker and a friend calls her at a hotel and asks her to try to finish up as soon as posible so they could go out that night and the hooker says ok IM ON IT!!!!!!!

very cony. so POGO U F@#$ERS!!!! or as the peeps from okanogan say Ogo Pogo You f@#$ers!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! ummm ya i think tat wal mart should go to hell. peeple think it will be good 4 the comunity but it is not even though all the benifits of jobs..... companys like that piss me off!!!!

i miss Laika and Jenn so i luv u two......... oh ya and that one ummm..... her name is umm........???????? k........a...... hmmm cant think of it..... oh ya kalieor w/e...


laika wen u get back i ned to go skool shopping in Seattle..... Just waiting 4 u....

ok a liitle poem

Fly you butterflying toast er
going through the poster
of a roller coaster.....
up and down
all around
threw the toliet
into a pilet
of a NASA incorporated piece of metal
gas polluting like gossip in a high wind

watever the hell

my spelling suks
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