May 07, 2006 13:12
Overall, this should actually be a very good week. Today and tomorrow will be nothing but studying for finals and work, but I'll still be spending some good time with Brad. I work all damn day Tuesday, but after that, I'm free for a few days!! Wednesday will probablly be bikini shopping after my finals and some serious grocery shopping. Thursday, I'll probablly be dying my hair and relaxing all day long with my lover. And then there's Friday. The infamous May 12th. The day of the Avenged Sevenfold concert!!!! I am so fucking excited it's not even funny!! I ordered a kick ass shirt for the concert off ebay so I should get it by then. I'm just hopping I don't get mutalated in a mosh.... :( My 3 days off this week are going to be amazing, especially for Brad and I. We totally need some quality hang out time with nothing else important on the agenda. Just "us" time!
Ok, well now that I'm done gloating about how wonderful my week will be, I'd better get back to my homework. More later kiddies!
xoxo Jewelz xoxo