There is another less grumpy post I would like to make about music. Later.

Apr 11, 2010 02:13

Do you ever feel like life has been going so good for a few days too many and the world has decided to hit you repeatedly and deliberately in your fucking face?

With a sledge hammer?

That has been the increasingly common trend of the past few days.

What started out good turned to every mother fucking shot from one of our episodes magically deleting its folder off the fucking server. There is no back up and the attempts to recapture identical clips from the tapes so that everything can be more easily salvaged and relinked -- which is how I spent my Friday night -- resulted in zero clips coming back online. So there was that. Next week is going to be such a fucking blast, let me tell you.

Tried to go grocery shopping tonight, largely failed, and ended up waiting 40 minutes on the subway platform before they announced there wouldn't be any trains running on this line for the rest of the evening because of some emergency at one of the stops. Walked to the A and waited another 30 minutes there. Spent nearly six hours overall and come home with butter, milk, apples, and two pot pies for my trouble. Doesn't feel like a very successful use of time. And I'd started the evening out feeling so fucking optimistic in spite of yesterday. That'll teach me. (I did pick up a DVD and blu-ray while out, though. Looking at the bright side.)
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