you tell me what's wrong with this picture.
At first, i am like. Oh, yeah, people using their phones, taking pictures. But seriously, what the fuck is this? People don't honestly overelongate their arms to make a scene out of the moment they are trying to capture. In fact, majority of the time, people feel like dumbasses using a camera phone, and will use awkward phrases like "yeah, i'm a nerd--i'm totally taking a picture of this!" ..they might proceed to discreetly follow through with this, or a normal arm extension at least. This would be the exact reason that i might want to take my sprint phone back to the sprint store. "--Jesus christ!! Am i going to look like that when i'm taking a picture?? Here, have it back"
Then we need to migrate to the fact that they are actually REALLY excited to be doing this. As in, they have not gotten out of the house in a couple weeks, and oh holy shit THERE IS A MEIJER'S!!!!
I'm sorry. This is not real or quality advertising.
We also need to talk about what exactly could BOTH of them be looking at, that is as interesting way up in the middle of the it is at waist level.
..a man?
Thats my best guess. Questions, comments, anyone? Whatever the situation, these women must be so proud of themselves.