What Are You Waiting For

Jan 06, 2005 17:33

What Are We Waiting For?

In a society where no ONE person can be happy, meaning: no SINGLE person can be happy, why is it that we aren't running around constantly searching for that "perfect" someone? And when we are, why are we "sluts"??? People in this world have a warped sense of OTHER people.
I don't feel like i should be scouring the island for a guy, which is exactly why im not. Im in no rush-believe me-Too many of them are Bottom Barrell Scum Sucking Slugs to even waste your time on, but at the same time, there IS a void which friends cant always fill. On our normal loser laps Leanne and i began talking. I havent had a "boyfriend" in almost a year-which of course she disagrees with. "What about Phil??"
"Well Phil wasnt my BOYfriend...he was a boy, and a friend, and we kissed-but he wasnt my boyfriend"
"You refer to him as your 'ex', so, wouldnt that make him a boyfriend?"
Did she have a point? I could only smile it off on the outside and try to defend my argument. I still stand by the fact that he wasnt my boyfriend. We were never exclusive, and we didnt see eachother enough to be considered on such a high level of "Coupletry".
Leanne hasnt had a boyfriend since Danny. Her senior year of high school. However, there have been boys...who were friends...who she kissed...in between the time of her break up, till now. One of those boys being Ryan. What do we know about ryan?? Not his sexuality-thats for sure. Is he or isnt he? seems to be the most commonly asked question about Ryan.
In my own boy department, i can't even lie. There are a few-no im not sleeping with/fooling around with any of them. So am i still a slut? Rita, one of my friends i dont get to see too often, but when i do is always excellent with relationship advice. Hers on this: you're young, live it up, they dont have to know about eachother, and if u're not sleeping with anyone or saying your exclusive, no harm no foul. Is she right? By Multi-dating, if u can even call it that-wait you can't- i think its best to call it "Multi-speaking" cause thats all we're doing...is "speaking". By Multi-whatever, am i pulling an 'asshole' move? I dont think i am.
Meanwhile that void doesnt seem to be shrinking. For the first time since July, Chris (rock skipping thirs date) came out on sunday night. We chilled in my drive way-freezing- till about 2 am, when he finally kissed me. That went on for about an hour, till 3am, when I finally went to bed. It was nice to see him, very nice to see him actually, and hopefully i will see him again soon.
I realize more and more everyday that Frank wont be able to fill that void, because he will NEVER leave Tom, as much as he claims he hates him. Its true-They never leave when they say they're going to. Which i guess is a good thing, cause even if he did-how well could i really trust him?
"V" who's name I cannot say, due to the high secrecy of our "speaking" - as much as we both want more than just friends-i dont know if it can ever happen, in part I dont do "secret sex" OR "Secret boyfriends". At the same time, its painful not to be in a relationship with him. Cause i do like him a lot.
While i complain about this huge void that i need filled, i can't help but notice all the trouble that relationships are at the same time. As i watch my friends who have problems within their relationships-all i can do is think 'are they crazy??' and the answer is-YES...crazy for eachother, thats what starts their stupid fights. "you didnt call me after work" or "You didnt text me while i was in school" as ridiculous as those fights are, how can u not laugh. On the other hand there are more serious arguments or problems, as in Andrew & Joey's recent case. Unfortunately they didnt make it through-but theres always chance enough for 'reconciliation'...right? I tend to over analize everything-and i dont know which part of my life is more complicated right now- is it the sex(or lack of) or the suburbs?? The Dating pool may never know.
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