Oct 20, 2004 16:41
uhmm now let's c here anything new?
my weekend was grrreat! holy shit it was awsome. And by now u should know that maury wa spart of it. Sat. was boring i just set there and went to a bday party that was lame as hell blah omg i wanted to take the knife the mom wa susing to cut the cake to go in the bathroon and slit my throat! it was sucky. I miss elaine so so so much litlte fagget doesný know how to call ppl talk about being a whore... going around and getting drunk with jovan, she prolly got raped by his 1 inch penis jk i love jovan he's the hottest guy in the whole wide world! uhh i get wet just thinking about him haha..jk
Back to my weekend afater sat. it was sunday oh and how i love sunday!!! maury came to a small family cook out of mine yeah gay i know but we got to go around and hump each other in the dark shaded areas away from parental vision i know verry rebelious right! ha! it was hot we were rolling on the gras slike wild animals lmao wow i miss him now. i got to poke his happiness too...haha i admitt i wa sscared but i couldn't keep my fingure to myself... and there was alot of making out woopeedeedoo! there wa smajor humping going on...anyways the best part wa stalking to him while walking down the street and laying on his lap i get chills just rethinking everything.
monday was nothing important i was bored to the maxium. now listen to this problem me and dakota are suppose to hang out this weekend on sat. but i promised heather i'd hang out with her on sat. too without remembering dakota was coming already so now idk how to tell heather not to come cuz i actually want dakota to come more...ssshhh heather cannot find that out.well it's not that important ill just say i'm sick to heahter. and oh fuck me raw i have sat. school on well sat. duh! that's going to suck major black saggy balls grr. all cuz i have 5 tardies and not only that but i have to pay 20 bucks to attend that bullshit too, that's 20 bucks to wake up early on sat and come to school for 2 hours i should stand up and take this gay christian school to court! for being non-christian and selling faulse propanganda. the school sux! i hate it! hate it with so much passion! BUT....but maury is there so it's okay, i'd live in africa with HIV positive ppl in a tribe with those ppl with saggy boobs and hairy balls hanging every where if that's wher maury was! cuz i love u that much u dumbshit! i do!
uhmm tonight i'm going to church and touch maury some more jkjk no i really want to c him and talk to him cuz we're not aloud to talk on the phone any more ... i know how gay is that!