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Jul 03, 2005 18:15

I went to my uncles thursday and came home saturday afternoon and thne went to work that night and then my dad picked me up from work then my cousin who i havent seen in forever got me and took me to my grandparents so i could see all my family and my cousins new baby is soooooo cute!!! but anywayz....i didnt really do much at my uncles, but i did see scott but we hardly talked cuz my uncle. but we went air boatin and i saw everyone aroudn there who i havent seen in almost a year prolly. my friend megan is now engaged and livin with her man, nichele moved out and scotts mom debbie is in shity conditions right now. she had cancer on her lung which hada be removed so now shes got a pace maker and shes going blind and has somethin wrong with her legs now. its so sad cuz shes the sweetest lady ever, and shes always said me and scott are gonna get married lol. but i love her like she was my other mom! so i gave her my number so she can call me whenever she needs to go to doctor appointment cuz she said she can make it to my house driving but not all the way out to town, so shes gonna pick me up so i can drive her places. i donno, ive realized today how much things have changed over the past year and i cant say im likin the changes. but wut can you do. and thne last night my cousin, his baby, his g/f, and her friend stayed the night here cuz my grandparents dont got air condition and then my mom ended up in my cousins g/f's face bout to beat her ass it was great! and coarse my mom was drinkin so ya she gets kinda loud and shit. then my cousin got punched in the face by his g/f and threatend to take his kid and ya it was very action filled. but i got to drink all night with star(my cousins g/f's friend) and i ended up tellin my mom i smoke and she didnt really get mad cuz she was drunk i think lol. but she wasnt that bad off so i donno.oh and star told my mom shes bi and i think my mom knows i am too cuz she got real p/o before we went to sleep cuz star had no where to sleep and my mom started gettin pissed and sayin i swear to god if i find her the in room with you i'll bet ur fuckin ass! then i ended up smokin a cig and she didnt say a word. haha she pulled out a joint and smoked it right in fronta me and was lettin star smoke with her but wouldnt let me and it really pissed me off lol. she kept blowin it in my face though, yes im talkin bout my mom! haha i gotta get my mom drunk more often. ughhh thats really bout it to update on. oh and i was suppose to work today but my mom called in sick for me and im off till wed, so people give me a call and lets find somethin to do.
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