I pretty much had one of the coolest/most intense weekends ever. It was so worth it.
On Friday I painted and hung out with Robbie. It was certainly an interesting night.
Bars in Wisconsin won't even let you in to eat if you are under age 21. That's dumb.
Saturday we went to Chicago. We went to Wrigley Field and ate a ton of hot dogs.
Then Robbie, Carl, and I went to go see Leftover Crack + The Subhumans. It was rad.
On Sunday we drove back to Wisconsin. Robbie ended up staying with me a third night.
It was awesome. We achieved our goal and made a dream I had years ago come true.
Yesterday I went on an adventure that I don't want to talk about. Passed out at 9 PM.
Oh, and just for the record, I don't like pills at all. Seriously. They'll fuck you up.
Okay, so this isn't from Chicago, but this is Robbie dressed up as me.
Robbie and I at Wrigley Field. We look like a couple of retards.
Watermelons are, in fact, in season in the Midwest. I am obviously more excited about this than Robbie.
Carl holds the beer while Robbie roots around for our dinner.
I like the beam of light in the corner. I have no idea what we are all pointing to.
Same idea, but just the guys. Brookes and I played photographer.
And the best for last...
And yes, that is urine on the ground.