May 23, 2008 23:40
So, there was drama this season with my robotics stuff.....mostly my co-advisor and I not communicating well....things came to a head, and I have stepped down as was messy - if divorce is anything like this turned into, I'll kill Kevin first.
It's for the best. I have a wedding to plan, and I would need to be focusing on that during the next major build season. I can tell some of the kids are hurt and confused, but I have assured them that I'm not leaving Southeast, just stepping away from the team. My door is always open.
In other news, my babies are GRADUATING!!!!! I'm such a proud momma. May 31st, (as far as I know and can tell, based on grades this semester) all of them are walking; most of them are going to the school of their choice; my homeroom has the valedictorian, and he wrote a GREAT speech. I'm all misty eyed. I'll be a stupid blubbering mess during the actual ceremony - good thing I'm on stage(with all the senior academic coaches) where everyone can see me cry my eyes out like they're my own. Sheesh, I'm a sap.
Finish up the school year, do driving school to get my license (yes, you read it right - I'm gonna learn how to drive), then off to Vegas for a week with Kev (our first real vacation EVER - no chapel's though), then nothing but WoW and other video games for the rest of the summer.
What are *your* plans?