(no subject)

May 14, 2010 03:02

So, one more day 'til my li'l bro walks down the aisle.  My parents wonder if they will make it in the long run.  I don't know, but for his sake I hope so, because he'd be crushed if she ever left him.  His fiancee, I'm not sure what to think of, honestly.  She seems nice enough, but is very jealous, especially of his close relationship with me.  This is more understandable if you realise we have hair color, height & first names in common, and will share last names in one more day.  These days, he spends more time with her siblings than with me, but I don't point that out 'cause I don't wanna provoke her.  Well, enough about her; I'm dedicating this typing practice to memories of my younger brother.

I remember the day he was born.  I was only 1 1/2 years old at the time, but I remember it clearly.  I was supposed to spend the night with my godsister.  My godmother had taken me to McDonald's, which was a special treat, but by the time we got back to her place my brother had been born so I didn't get to spend the night.

He's always looked up to his big sis.  Any activity I suggested, he'd go along with.  We played Barbies & My Little Ponies as often as we played with toy cars and dinosaurs.  He started Kindergarten only a year behind me, 'cause he was so jealous of me getting to go to school.  Since I'd teach him the stuff I'd learned at school, he already knew the alphabet & how to write his name and most of the other stuff one typically learns in Kindergarten.

I wasn't always a good role model.  I remember when we'd ride down the hill in our lttle red wagon, I'd make him sit up front, so when it tipped over, I'd land on him instead of the other way around.

We were fascinated with the natural world, & didn't fear bugs or spiders.  One time a yellow sac spider bit me, so I handed it to him.  Not my proudest moment, for sure.

If my scanner worked, I'd show you some great pictures from our childhood.  One of my favorites is of the two of us sitting together in a crabapple tree on the family ranch.  I have one of him at about age 10, in red swim trunks smiling up at me while sitting on a drainage pipe in the middle of the pasture.  10 minutes later he was stepped on by a horse, & wasn't smiling for awhile.

During our confessional game (mentioned here: http://sexkitten426.livejournal.com/13119.html#cutid1), which was just one of the many games we created, he confessed that during the storm that made me seasick while we were on a boat, he was secretly puking his guts out alone while my dad took care of me.  He's so brave.

This bravery came in handy during his battle with cancer.  The poor boy couldn't be afraid of needles for long, 'cause he was getting stuck with them all the time.  I can't even begin to imagine the pain of the spinal taps he had to undergo on a regular basis when he was only 4.  I remember sneaking him in little things like cheese packets to make him happy.

The first promise I ever broke was to my brother.  I was about 14 at the time, & had promised I'd play chess with him that evening.  We got in a fight, and my mother sent us to our rooms.  I was more upset about breaking the promise to my brother than about the fight.

We fought fairly frequently, usually about trivial things.  One time when we were in high school, we went to kick each other at the same time while standing in the hallway.  Real mature, I know.  He was wearing shoes; I wasn't.  I ended up with 4 broken toes.

When our godsister handed down her old video game systems, we spent hours playing them.  I was always his Luigi, his Tingle, his backseat driver.  I much prefer cooperative games to this day.

I remember dressing him when he was too young to do so himself.  Now that I cannot work buttons or zippers, he helps dress me.  We've shared clothes over the years too many times to count.  One of my fave T-shirts is the "Save Water, Shower With a Friend" one that he gave me a few years back.

When we were in college, we'd visit each other during breaks, rather than visit our parents.  He got to come with me on my Geology class field trip, & I love cooking for him, so I'd spoil him with lasagne, ribeyes, artichokes (our fave vegetable), and anything else he'd want.  When I visited him, we did a marathon of the first couple seasons of Heroes, & quoted it for the rest of the week.

Today he showed me his new apartment.  His car's radio was on the blink, so we sang Smashmouth's All Star a capella. One of my fondest memories is of us singing along to "Why Can't We Be Friends?" I love singing with my brother.  I think sky_dark is the only one that's heard us, but she doesn't know it 'cause I forgot to sign the e-mail. >_<

Love ya bro, always.
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