Nov 02, 2010 14:35
Except that you kinda do right now because it's getting cold out aha.
Fall is one of my favourite seasons, especially November. The weather's perfect for me to get dressed up aha. I really enjoy the mood everything has during this time of year. It inspires me so much...
Speaking of which, today I spent a /lot/ of time thinking about why art is so important to me.
a lot of my friends know that I've literally been drawing since before I could speak. Even though i didn't start seriously drawing until around 5-6 years ago, it's been the biggest thing in my life. It's always been the only way for me to explain both how I feel and what I see. I'm a very visual oriented person, it'd be really difficult for me to simply tell someone what exactly I hear when I play a certain song.
Music goes pretty much hand in hand with my art. I'm one of those people who /always/ imagines things when I hear something. A majority of the's so surreal that I can't put it into words. So I draw it. I have more fun with drawing unexplainable things like that then drawing anything else. It makes me feel slightly insecure though....when I draw something and show it to someone, and they don't say anything about it, or they make a face...I start to think two things. Either, "This person absolutely /hates/ what I've just drawn." Or "They must think I'm mentally ill." either way, I'm fairly hurt in the end aha. The things I draw are the only thing I have any sort of real confidence in, so every little thing that is said about my art is pretty much taken to heart. But with that, drawing is mainly something I do for myself. People ask me a lot for me to draw something for them. I always turn it down. It's like...what I've drawn right here is a part of me, and I don't want to give it away. It's hard to explain in a way I guess haha. But when I /do/ draw something for someone, it's usually extremely rare. As in, I'll either draw something for someone's birthday or on a holiday or something like that. I don't just randomly draw something for someone.
I'm not really sure why I decided to write all this. I guess I'm just that bored. I mean....whatever friends I do have on here don't even go on here much anymore orz
I guess i just felt like posting and rambling away. Go mee.