pulling to peel
to peel a surface
hardly peeled
a stench so deep
a sound so weak.
lips part
without vibration
eyes dart
though no-
thing is focused
streams of light
figuires of mystery
words welled up
bend and break restraints
gush and whimper
and whimper
inhale black ex-
hale a tear
then one more
and 5 to follow
though consistant
like the tides
a cycle we spin
vicious its
tragic it
with locks and chains
swallowed keys
a chest we carry
though chains
not bare us
bare our selves
to these chains
a thousand eyes
denied a world
better not known
a fight
a block
a block to bare
to bare by choice
a bind to bare
to bare by voice.
please no one take this as sad, its no way in the least sad.