oh I haven't written in this thing in so long. my life is somewhat weird lately. I have become a hermit but not my choice. I'm wondering if all the people I know have all of the sudden gone into hiding. work is boring, I'm probably getting a new computer next month, my nephews are adorable, I bought a new bra, and I've been craving some male attention lately. Flirting with the cute guy at Starbucks is my only thrill in life anymore. Also, I have been introduced to
Vox which is a new blogging service that is much better than LJ. Everybody should check it out. They're not really letting everybody join right now because it's still a new thing but the designs are better, you can customize it more. You can add photos and music and other stuff. This is what Alana ,
lunacava, said about it. (I don't feel like typing up my own description so I'm stealing hers :D)
"Apparently LJ is going to become more aimed at teens, and not being a teen, that idea bores me. What I like about Vox is the ability to upload mp3s, photos, youtube videos, and books along with the standard LJ-esque posting abilities, and none of the horrible MySpace crap."
It's great. Go check mine out
http://rachelspark.vox.com/ I will have invites that I can use on people, so if you're interested, let me know.