no1 actually becomes a part of ur life until u think bout what it would b like if they werent there

Nov 02, 2003 09:38

alright, i dunno where i left off, but ill tell about my week a little bit.

LONGEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE-->tues night me + jenna went to walmart after the gym. we come back + around 8 or 9 we wanted to drink some of the vodka we had gotten. so i take it out, and about 1/2 of its missing. hmmm.. who could of taken it? well.. laura, gabby, ken, rich + rob all went to the movies.. laura left early + came home, and she went to go smoke w/ this kid jaimie [let me add shes in rehab + goes to AA meetings] so gabby comes back to my room seeing where laura was. we told her that we thought she drank our vodka + that she went to go smoke. We figured out that laura drank our shit cuz there was a blue cup on her desk that smelled of vodka, then gabby said she was driving like a maniac + she left her light on in the car + she parked on the curb almost hitting a tree. we waited for her to come back, and we were gonna call her out on it, well she comes back white as a ghost w/ these 2 strangers + she had already vomitted once + did again in the room. well im digusted + i left the room + camr back to sleep in it @ like 12 or 1, but to add to it, there was a fire drill thing, cuz sum1's popcorn went off. whatever.

next day [wednesday] our theater class went to NY to see "Wicked" + "Henry IV". :] lauras in that class w/ me, along w/ Barb, Jenna + Christina. No1 talked to Laura the whole day. We didnt get back till 12:30.. so it was an easy day. Wicked was good, its what happened be4 the wizard of oz, really good. henry IV blowed my ass, but ETHAN HAWKE was in it!!!! Along w/ Kevin Klien. If you dont know who ethan hawke is, hes the 1 in training day [white one] and kevin klien, i 4get what movies hes in.

thurs.. nothing happened.. friday i came home!!! e + Jenna came home in my car + we're driving back up in hers today. I still havent talked to laura since it happened, she hasnt appoligized or ne thing so.. until then i dont wanna talk to her + im going to try to switch rooms!!

Uh.. friday night-went to joes friends party. there was 2 kegs there, a thing full of jungle juice + like 3 bottles. I had a couple beers + i think 2 cups of the juice. me + joe played beer pong!!!! :] but we lost :[ [i blow, so i wasnt surprised] joe went as some freakish skull mask + i put on my bunnie ears + wore some make-up for a nose + whiskers. we left there + then i slept over joes, cuz i was drunk.

yesterday--->me + kelly went to get our nails done + of course to Salad Works :] :]!! Then i bought a straightner just like my roomates incase i leave the room, cuz i use hers. then--we shopped in the promenade, well.. looked! then came home w/ kelly, we hung out here, found this shitty picture of nicole.. laughed, then we went to taco bell around 7:45 wow we didnt leave till 8:10, and we were in drive threw!!! fuckin slow ass ppl. then we went to scottys w/ joe. they had like 5 beers + joe brought over like 6-7 shots, i had 1 beer + 4 shots, i was drunk. we all played asshole. me + joe of course faught, cuz he tries to be cool infront of other ppl. its like he cant show he actually cares about me infront of his friends + it pisses me off. then we dropped off kelly, and came back to joes, hung out for a little bit, then i went home around 3:30.

today--uhhh i dunno what im doing, gonna see joe then go back to skool.. AhHhHhHh!!!
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