It's been so long!

Sep 11, 2004 08:34

Wow it's been a week since I last updated this thing. Sooo much has happened.. Last Sunday..well you know how I said my mom was complaining of pains in her chest well Sunday morning she decided that she would go to the ER. So while she was there I cleaned the inside of the house and my bro cleaned the outside because we were supposed to have a labor day cook out with my aunt my mem my sister and her 3 friends. Well my parents were going to be a while so I got all the food together so when they came home people could come on over. But when my mom got home she was all drugged up and they found out that she has a virus on the outer lining of her heart and that there is a possibility that she will have a severe heart attack. Not Good. So she went to sleep and my sister and her boyfriend Paul came over. I cooked and made everyone something to eat. That wasnt bad but that whole day all i did was everything. And all they did was chill and drink beer which wasnt fun because i couldnt drink so I was pissed. Later on my sisters 2 friends came Chris and TJ so guess what...I had to cook again because the food that I saved for them becaues some bright sister..decided to leave one of my dogs upstairs in the house and she ate all the food on the stove. I cooked and then I chilled and Paul and Chris pulled out there guitars and started playing and Paul is a wicked good singer I couldn't believe it. Then they all started doing shots and continued to make me do everything so I decided that I had to leave. I was going to go out for a lil while with Antone but he had to work late. Then Brit called me and asked me if I wanted to sleep at Kevins with her..and I said yes but there was only one problem I'm not supposed to hang out with her ever since the day I flipped out. So I had to figure out what to do. So Brit Kevin and Ronnie came and got me and I told my mom that Ronnie was Josh and he dropped Britt and Kevin off at the top of the street..and I told her that I was sleeping at Alicia's. I got out of the house fine. Then we went to taco bell and i bought Kevin and Brit something and Ronnie got a cup stuck under his car. That was funny. Then we chilled at Kevins and they were all doing shots so me and Brit walked to Cumbies to see her Mom at work. While the guys stayed back and drank. And when we were leaving Cumbies..Ronnie and Chubs were walking. When we got to the church parking lot Chubs jumped on the abanded car and Ronnie decided to kick the window in. Which was great because we had to run. and Brit had to waddle because she still has her leg brace thingy whatever you want to call it. Then we got back and me and Brit went in the house and Ronnie and Chubs stayed outside so they could get "something" and Brit did 2 shots and I did one. And I do have to say Brit is one of the funniest drunk people I have ever seen. She cried for her dad..she rambled about stupid stuff. So the rest of the night me Kevin and Ronnie watched Brit. Then we finally fell asleep and I woke up early and tried waking Ronnie a few times to see if he would bring me home. So I went home early so I didnt get in trouble. Now that was a fun night... ;0D Monday: I slept most of the day then I went out with Antone and went to see Lisa at work and to steal her. But that didnt work out to well. Although we did steal her in a weird sort of way because he dad was being a dickhead as usual and he said no to her going out so Lisa flipped out at work threw her fries and left. SO she ended up coming with us anyways. But not for long because her mom said that she was going to call the cops and track her down. SO she flipped out and got out of the car and walked home. Then Antone brought me home. Tuesday: Slept and then went shopping with my Momma! Wednesday: Slept late. CLeaned my room then went out with Antone Lisa and Matt. They dragged us to the Milford Quarries. Because they wanted to jump. And that was to much walking for this fat kid. Antone wore my other pair of pants. Haha Sexii Kinda! Went to the and Lisa did some more shopping. I got my check. Then I went to Lisas to spend the night. Went to Burger King and then to Stop and Shop then back home where me lisa and her brother pimped out Lisas car so we could sleep in it. We put the DVD player and the Tv from the house in her car and ran an extension cord from the house to her car. And her brother put screen on the windows so we could leave them down and not die...and no bugs would come in. Thursday: Got woken up really early because everyone that came out in the morning decided to stick there hands in the windows and wake us up. And I guess Antone woke me up but I dont remember. Watched Jersey Girl then left..cashed my check. Then went home. Took a nap. Then went to work a hour and half early. Shopped. Then went to work for 6:30 worked til 10. Got home @ 10:30 ate then tried to go to sleep which I couldnt. Friday: Woke up at 4:30. Took a shower. Did my hair. Got ready. Then walked to the top of the street. Watched the froggies jump in the road. Then I got on the bus because I was a cool kid.. haha. Saw Amanda. At school for my first day of my senior year hell yeah. only 156 more days for us..HAHA Assholes! Came home chilled then called work to see if I had to work at 6:30 cuz I was on call..they said no and that i could take Sat off. I was so excited..haha. Chilled around watch a movie then went to bed. Saturday: Went up the street to the Albernaz's because every year they pickle peppers..eww I hate peppers but I went there and chilled with Beverly. Did her hair. Drove around all day because the rents couldn't because once again they were drunk. Fun Fun. Came home put my bathing suit on and drove back up there and went in the hot tub for a while. Drove my rents home. And now I am here. Well doesnt that sound like a fun week. Today driving school finally called me and I have my road test on Sept. 27th I really hope I pass. The only thing that will stop me is I get nervous when I have adults in the car never mind a cop and the fact that if they make me parellel park I mine as well just stop the car right there and tell them to fail me cuz I cant do that for shit. I seriously will cry and I dont cry often but that is the only way I can get out of my house whenever I want to. And I so need to because all they do is stress me out. Well I think I am done. Writing shit for tonight. So Peace! [xoOx <3 Katey]
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