Yeah i started that in 6th hour...everyone was looking over my shoulder =(
1.What is the first person you ever slept with's middle name?
dunno yet?
2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?
my turn me on one's...with the litte light bulbs that i got with kaleen and kristin ;)
3. What is the song you want played at your Funeral?'s gunna be a party....i dont want people sad when i die
4. What is the phone number of your sluttiest friend so some of the single people can get some action?
hehehe...wouldnt u like to know...954 431...nevermind
5. What Would Your Last Meal be before getting executed?
6. Beatles or Stones?
Beatles :)
7. If you had to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be?
That stupid little bitch...christina u know who im talking bout right babe? lol.
8. The person whose problems you would never want to hear?
I always listen to EVERYONE'S problems :)
9. What is the thing most important to you (as far as physical) about the preferred sex?
nice hands and nice teeth
10. Do you secretly hate some of your friendsters but are too nice to reject them?
no....i love everyone...almost
11. If you could have any super power what would it be?
to become invisible
12. Favorite hangover cure?
exedrin....and sleeeeeeeeeep
13. How many drinks does it take to get you drunk? u can get me drunk?
14. Favorite Outkast Lyric?
Shake it
15. Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have?
Dirty blonde or brown
16. If you had to be blind or deaf, which would you choose?
17. Do you have any psychiatric problems?
none that im gunna tell you =D
18. Siblings that should go to rehab?
no but i have one that should be put in an institution =D
19. Least favorite month?
20. Favorite hateful thing to do to someone?
eat them
21. First movie you can remember seeing as a kid?
i dunno....i drank to much when i was a little kid ;)
22. Favorite person in the whole world
23. When's the last time you went on a date?
never...officially...away from the movies
24. Do you like violent movies or dirty movies?
hmm.. both
25. Fall or spring?
26. Person you most wish you hadn't made out with?
no one...
27. If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with?
kristin ;) lol....j/k
28. Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle?
i dunno....depends on whats going on when im old...
29. Who is the person you can count on most?
30. If you could date any celebrity past or present, time and age are not factors?
present =) no....i wouldnt...too much DRAMA
31. What books have you pretended you've read?
every book i was supposed to read this year for english...this year
32. What's a word you would use to describe your life?
33. Favorite drinking game?
dont have j/k
34. What did you dream last night?
don't remember...but i know it wasnt happy
35. Favorite vices?
i dunno? your mom?
36. What is the last thing you'd ever tell someone?
not's a secret shhhh