(no subject)

Oct 05, 2004 22:03

name: MeGaN nIcOlE mAlOnE
nickname: mEg, mEgGeRs
location: OviedO
gender: femaLe
birthstone: sOme kinda bluE
birthday: 12.5
sign: SagiTariOus
riqhty or lefty: riqhty
username: sexiibabii06

your looks..
height: 5'4
shoe size: 7.5
hair colour: diRtY blOndE
hair length: Lonqish
Eye Color: gReeN
Glasses: nOpe
Piercings: eaRs
Tattoos: nOt yet..!

Where do you shop: forevEr 21 , AbeRcrOmbiE, HolliSteR
What do you usually wear: jeansz + shiirt?
What kind of shoes do you wear: fLip flOps & ReEbOks
Do you wear a watch: yUp
Color you never wear: yElloW
Color you wear at least once a week: bLack
Something you wear everyday: bra
Do you wear make up: yes
Most cherished piece of clothing: bEltS
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing: thOse gAy cAt hEaRs
Do you wear belts: yehhh
Do you wear hats: sOmetiimes?
How many pairs of shoes do you have: i dunnO..?

Favorite kind of music: rap + hIp hOp
Least Favorite: heavy metal
How many CD's do you have: tOo mAny
Last CD you bought: noooO ideah
Whats in your CD player right now: burNed cD bY KAYLAH!
Do you download music: yes

favorites ..
Color: bLack-pInk
Number: 6 & 3
Season: WinTer!
Ice cream: cOokie dOugh
Website: www.launch.com
Quote: NevEr lEt sOmeOne bE yOur PriOriTy wHen yOur oNly tHerE oPtioN!
Store: foreva 21
Band: G-UniT
Singer: aLicia Keys
Rapper: i like tO many
Songs: my bOo, sUnShiNe, LeaN bAck rEmiX
Movie: tHe PuNiShEr, FriDay
Actor: aiyy i dunno
Actress: anqeLina jOLie
Kind of movies: hOrror..! cOmiC
Place to be: nOt hOme, PartYs
Time of day: nIghT
Clothing Brand: i dunnnO
Animal: aw BabY anyThinGs
Food: SpiGitI!! maRi-JanE chiCkin
Holiday: v day + x mas
Shape: heart
Restaraunt: cRacKeR baRraL
Fast food place: MCDONALDS
Boy's name: michaeL n GABE!
Girl's name: LeXy?
Word: yeahh mann!
Month: deCeMbeR
Candy: snicKers

Love and relationships..
Sexual Preference: bOys
Boyfriend or Girlfriend: nOpe
Crush: yes
Do you believe in love at first sight: nOt rEallY
What do you look for in a guy: pErsOnaliTy n LooKs
Best physical feature: [[ ina bOy ]] smile, eYes
Best hair color: liGht bRown
Best eye color: i liike green/blue but brown is good 2

Do you paint your nails: yes
What color is your tooth brush: piNk
What's on your desktop: RaPpeRs
Do you like roller coasters: hella yes!
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