(no subject)

Sep 27, 2004 11:13

ever wonder why oviedo is known as the school for drama... the shitt talkers.. oh wait i no? CUZ IT IS! maybe if everyone stoped worrrying about what other people do or who they HANG OUT WITH.. the drama will stop! people have nothing better to do then sit around and find reasons to make other peoples lives like hell. no one knows what other people go through so you should really keep your mouth shut if you dont kno what your talking about. and what the fuck does it matter what color you hang out with?!! IT DOESNT! I dont try to be someone im not so if you have a problem u should really just keep it to your god damn self. People should just be themeselves and dont worry about what all the lil shit talkers of oviedo think of you. The PEOPLE in oviedo really do make the reputation of oviedo high school... and if your gonna talk shit dont do it fuckin anonymously..! BYE!
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