Sep 29, 2006 12:06
I am VERY upset about missing the markham fair this year. I LOve the markham fair and yet I am stuck here in Guelph working. Not to mention that I'm also missing Wonderland on Sunday with my family coming from England because I can't get home from Guelph. This is why I dislike guelph.... the buses END at 6:15 pm on a Sunday night!! LIKE WTF? Fortunately between working and sleeping, there's the OCUS thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night, possible cycling with Andrew on Sunday morning, and Intertube waterpolo Sunday night. Looking forward to all those things.. And then I have a GERMAN test on Monday morning! Yay. (MY prof is AWESOME though because he plays rammstien in class :) WHOLE SONGS).
Going to Quebec for thanksgiving. It makes me laugh that I'm not invited to thanksgiving with my family. At least Quebec will be fun with Adam though. Definitely going to go hit up some of the clubs in downtown Montreal. I am excited :). Adam leaves today :( But only because he has to work at midnight. Otherwise he would have stayed until tomorrow.
Back to back classes to get to now! Bio and then Chem. I don't even have to move :)
Have a great weekend everybody!