Sep 21, 2004 16:38
im diggin my classes. its all cooo coo. teachers is slammin, classes is slammin, and buds is slammin. on the real homie. no more basketball. i feel like there is some void in my i dont. im free. im lovin the freedom taste of reality. i really am. my cool mom just bought some wierd product from trader joes. its called spotted dick. i swear to you. damn vons dont carry spotted dick. oh well. its ok. work is being cool again, although they dont sched me much. everyone seems soo sad now. perhaps its the chnge of weather. maybe its troubles at home. or perhaps its the fact that sooo many chicks is diggin me that i cant share my loving...nahh, not possible. speaking of lovin...some u awesome kids out there know. "u need cooling, and i aint fooling. im gonna send her back to schooling. way down inside, im gonna give u my love. wanna give u my love OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" man, im gonna fuck to that song, u have no idea. some raunchy fuck sex, itll be fun. im not an asshole, i swear. alright. if u didnt kno, this entry is gonna be hella long. cus my last one was real short, and on accident. i neeed to do somthin spontaneous like right frikin now. i really do. u think its possible? i dont. in reality, im so damn non spontaneous, so reserved, so shy when it comes to new and cooler new things, i dont kno. i just suck at this kinda shit. perhaps its the reason for this lj gay in the first place. its a front. its gotta be. GODDAM!!! an old lady walked into a car and rolled off. it was fuckin nuts, i tell u. her pride was lost, and its unfortunate. that lady driving didnt have to be so defensive. she got out and practically yelled at the old lady. but she did walk into a stopped car, so i dont know. i worte an essay on freedom and democracy, for they are two key main things of being american. wuts non american? i responded with "a means to an end, or actions thereof" somthin of the sort. bush. right? possible means to an end, possible draft in the coming years if he is re-elected. for me it could possibly be an end. i better get a good grade on it. so far ive got A's in all my classes. that wut i told my mama after she lectured my ass for being irresponsible. wow, even after the fact that i was actually happy for her to be home. if she makes me dinner it'll make it all better. food can usually change my mood. its just a day in the life of chris....besides school, work, and hw. which leads me to my next topic....again. work. its really coming along. doods there are now cool, excluding the heriarchy. all of em suck. most peeps could agree with me too. my step dad really tries hard to prove he's better than me. to whom? ill tell u whom. my mom. i honestly think hes a selfish asshole, and wants nothing better unless it directly affects him. tis true. evidence is abundant. now it seems like hes doin a pretty damn good job, being that he doesnt do anything all day, doesnt work, and prob conspires a plan to get my moms higher acceptance. its aight, i actually looked at some bank statements/checks hes been receiving....other than the royalties he gets from previous shows i have a higher income than that ho. oh how the tables have turned. nuts huh? it makes no diff right now. im a teeen and i having nothing convincing or anyhting slightly intelligent to say. i kinda wanna get outta here, but then i dont. i got sunburnt. my face and back. if ur wondrin why my face is so ashy, thats why. im sure no one actually read that part. this entry is prob the longest ive ever entered. plus no one reads em anyway. so with that, if u did read this, the whole damn thing...i dunno. ur prob real cool. people are strange. i dont understand the things some people do. how cna they, its a mess. people are strange, when ur a stranger faces look ugly, when ur alone. yeah. loneliness, it sucks. i'd kno. my drums really need some attention. there ya go, they just got the attention they needed. that was fun. talkin like a retard. retainer...frikin mess yo. i swear, if i dont do anything, ill regret it.