Title: Just One Tear
Author: Rhina
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns it all (at least until I have my lawyer cruelling steal it from her - HA!!!)
Pairing: Bill/Fleur
Rating: PG for angst bunny
Wordcount: 329
sexiest_weasley Last Challenge = The last of Bill and Fleur
Author's Notes: I don't particularly like Bill/Fleur so I'm using this to move it into my own personal ship. Song inspriation and title idea from Faith Hill's "Cry"
In all honesty, Bill had been hoping that he would never have to see Fleur again as long as he lived. The break up between them had been overly emotional and messy despite his best intentions. It hadn't helped that he was passionate and in possession of a temper that burned as red as his hair while her manner was frosty even at the best of times, perfectly matching her icy blonde looks. More than once in their relationship he had wanted to strangle her or slap her or hex her - anything to drag out a passionate and giving reaction. Nothing seemed to work.
After giving it his all, he simply knew that he could no longer withstand that coldness and without a backward glance he had left her.
Taking a deep breath, Bill stood to face her one last time. It would have been nice if she could at least show some emotion or some regret perhaps this would be easier. His brown eyes were darkening with hurt as they met her cool blue ones.
"William," she said in her broken English, looking over Bill in that cruel assessing manner she had. "I see you have not gotten new robes, despite my suggestion."
"I find that I get along without your suggestions," Bill retorted with the heat of his anger flaring between them. "Just as I get along without you." Turning his back on her, he was glad it was the last time he would see h considering she was now moving back to France. Thank the gods for small favours.
Making sure that his back was still to her, Bill walked away. Maybe some day she would shed a tear over him, but if she never did, Bill knew he would live without that being fulfilled. He was stronger and more powerful and everything was as it should be.
Then he met those keen laughing brown eyes across the room and he knew he had definitely moved on.
Title: Badges
Author: Rhina
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns it all (at least until I have my lawyer cruelling steal it from her - HA!!!)
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Wordcount: 167
bill100 Challenge #3 Head Boy
Author's Notes: None
It came via owl post spilling out of a piece of parchment clearly labeled with his name. His fingers shook ever so slightly as he looked at it. The metal was shiny and smooth, undulled by time and the work he knew that he would face this year.
He wondered what it really meant and who had considered him responsible enough for this position.
The weight of it was pushing down on him as he considered the responsibility that this brought into his life. If he wasn't careful, like his parent's high expections, it would crush the breath from him as the responsibility left little room for him to breath.
It would be a tough road to make sure that he did not lose himself within the pressure that this simple shiny piece of metal meant.
Only time would tell what came out the other side.
Turning it over in his hand, the badge was slipped into his pocket. There would be enough time for responsibility later.
Title: Duty
Author: Rhina
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns it all (at least until I have my lawyer cruelling steal it from her - HA!!!)
Pairing: Bill/OC
Rating: NC17 for sex
Wordcount: 296
bill100 Challenge #3 Head Boy
Author's Notes: None
Bill knew that as long as he stood quietly he could catch her and she would never be the wiser. With his back deep into the stacks of books in the library, he knew that she would never be able to see him and it would make sure that he caught her before she caught him.
Just as he predicted, she rounded the corner and made sure that Madame Pince wasn't looking and pulled out her wand and used magic to heft the books up into the stacks. Magic was not supposed to be used in the library as it could negatively affect some of the books. And now he had her for an offence that she had complained to Madame Pince that he had done when it had turned up that one of the books had been damaged.
Coming around the corner, Bill grabbed her and hauled her toward him. Immediately she went to protest but the spell that came quickly from his wand silenced her. "Come with me," he warned in voice that was laced with danger. Dragging her into the stacks he bent her to her knees. "If you don't wish to get in trouble, there is something you're going to need to do."
Looking up at him, her eyes flashed dangerously before there was a hint of desire pooling in them. Never daring to unsilence her, Bill made sure that she couldn't from her kneeling position and then unzipped his school trousers and took out his throbbing erection and brushed it along her face and over her lips. "Suck it," he commanded, turned on more than he could say by the situation.
As always, she accepted his cock into the warmth of her mouth, moaning through her punishment as she always did.