Oh my

Sep 06, 2008 01:16

The ladies are mad that Oprah won't interview Sarah Palin.

"She's being two-faced," said Dr. Cindy Grossman-Green, a pediatrician and Oprah fan from outside Philadelphia. "She initially had Obama on her show, but now that she's decided [to support him], she won't have any other political candidates on."
Mmk, the term "two faced" would imply that she is showing evidence of supporting two conflicting things, in this case, candidates. Her having Obama on her show and not any other candidate is, in fact, the polar opposite of two-faced.
Leaving out, of course, that he was on before he announced he was running for President, and not since.

I also don't mean this next bit to sound harsh, but if you are deciding how you want to vote based on an hour long episode of Oprah....you are fucking ignorant. Ok, I guess that might have been a little harsh. But honestly, this is the next four years of your life. How dare you place the burden of your information seeking on Oprah. Write a question for the Vice Presidential debate, if you want to know Sarah Palin's views on something. If you want to know how she manages to be a mom to an assorted number of children and still find the time to not believe in any science ever, I'm sure that will come up, too. Constantly, I would be willing to bet.

Seriously, Oprah doesn't wait for Oprah to find everything in the world out and spoon feed it to her. She IS Oprah and she knows EVERYTHING and so can YOU if you READ SOMETHING, and then KEEP GOING.

I guess the point of all of this was, Goddamn it Cindy Grossman-Green-Lou-Who, I know you can read, since your first name is Doctor. And what you need to read is this: Wikipedia. Figure out what two-faced means, and then maybe move on to other colloquial phrases. Why? Because I would never let you look in my child's ear while you were talking all stupid like that.
Also, Oprah is 100% right, and she always is. Name me a time when Oprah was wrong. You can't. Because you have a job, and so do I.
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