still bored

Jun 10, 2004 21:19

Abortion?:shouldnt do it unless its a life or death situation Death Penalty?:ok for murderers Prostitution?:nasty Alcohol?:ggoooddddd!! Marijuana?:i dont see what the big deal just makes you high Other drugs?:bad Gay marriage?:fine with me Illegal immigrants?:get out!! Smoking?:nasty habbit Drunk driving?:bad Cloning?:leave it alone! Racism?:racist people can shove it Premarital sex?:if thats what they want Religion?:screw religion..its all the same The war in Iraq?:no damn reason!! Bush?:screw all the bushes Downloading music?:good The legal drinking age?:doesnt really drink anyway Porn?:make some good ones!! Suicide?:if you try to kill yourself then youre stupid...why should everyone suffer cuz you cant handle it
What is your stand on..... brought to you by BZOINK!
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