name: Ashli
age: 14
Sex: female
Status: boyfriend <3Ryan<3
orientation: straight
Abortion: if your not ready for a kid. protect! but accidents do happen. if your too young to have a kid then result in that.
War: eh, we should have to fight for what we want.
Premarital sex: im for it. if you feel that your ready then go for it.
Gay marriages: marriage=love.
Angelina Jolie:i think she is hawt
You:i think im smashingly awesome.
Love:best feeling in the world
Lust:honestly dont know :-\
aliens:i think they exsist. and they are laughing at us. like we laugh about them
Band: A Static Lullaby
movie:Rocky Horror Picture Show
tv show:The Real World
celebrity:not sure. i think carmen electra is hoottt
actor:hmm shane west is hott. but alot of actors are.
actress:britney murphy
Color:lime green and hott pink
Food:groundbeef with melted cheese..
At least 3 CLEAR pictures of you...max 8.
my answeres sucked on this app. :'( but you know me pretty good leah lol. so yeah i still hope u accept me. heh.