Nov 15, 2015 22:54
I am currently taking apart peanut butter pretzels (I eat the pretzel and the dog gets the PB filling) so I figured this would be a good time to update. It's been ages and I doubt much has change but I figured you want to know I'm alive.
I do read the F list and comment but I am a lurking lurker
I haven't read any fic in ages- nothing has tempted me. I need another exchange or something with long lovely works to read. I went through and read fics over again but I can't keep doing that.
I feel like since it's been forever maybe you don't know I have a dog? But I do and we've been together over 2 years. She is wondering why the PB has stopped and keeps staring at me.
I am working on becoming a teacher and I want to go for my Masters. I have felt for some time like things were not going my way and that fate was laughing at me. Well laugh all you want destiny I will make something of myself! And likely die of stress in the process!
Speaking of health I'm getting really upset with myself health wise. I have wanted to lose weight for ages but I am mostly ok with my body. I tried to use a wedding this summer for motivation and that didn't work so now I'm suck with a wedding picture that makes me want to sob in the shower like they do in movies. Halloween I tried on some of my closes and I broke the zipper on one thing and almost died trying on another. I need to get fit. I just have to find the motivation and make it part of my routine.
I can't think of anything else. So enjoy life!