Love for Sale!

May 26, 2011 22:46

I found myself wanting to respond to all he comments on romanticalgirl 's post so I figured it was time for one of my own. As my roommates make some video to Bruno Mars’ “Lazy Day” I will regale you with
tales of my life. The last personal post I had was sad and filled with death
only 3 days after my birthday.

This one is filled with…well, I’m not sure… I have
successfully finished my undergraduate career with a BA in Biological Science
and Psychology. I was somewhat adrift and anxious and maybe even slightly
depressed for a while as I didn’t get into 3 of the 4 schools I applied to and
the last one I still haven’t heard from. I really have no desire to return home
after 4 years of being away but things look like they’re going that way. There’s
a serious distinction about learning about “Emerging Adulthood”, when those in
industrialized countries ages 18-25 are adrift and figuring out how to manage
life, and living it. I’m hoping I hear good news and can make plans to move to
Louisiana but it’s in fates hands right now. I’ve come to terms with things and
have decided to make the most out of life, although hearing everyone boast
about their plans has made it slightly hard to be cavalier.

I started volunteering at the veterinary hospital again which
means I have once again been in contact with humans. They’ve helped somewhat as
most people haven’t had a direct path into their current career and it’s helped
me see that it doesn’t matter where you start but where you end up. I really
enjoy spending time there but as I’m moving home I won’t see them again,
especially as I doubt I’ll ever be back in this area. I’m trying to live up my
last days I guess you could say as I’m trying to see everyone one last time. I
wanted to take one last trip to Toronto but I doubt that will be happening now.
I don’t have the energy really and it would be strange going alone when I so
wanted to go with my friend.

I don’t have any new fics to dazzle you with or even a meme
right now although maybe that will change. I really do think I might try to get
back into my writing one way or another as I think my ideas are sound but I have
trouble with executing them the way I imagine them. I always think that I’d be
great at writing scripts because my imagery is great but my writing is somewhat
less than perfect. I read lots of great fics and wonder why I can’t write like
that and it’s really because I have trouble executing my ideas. I’m thinking of
getting a prompt table and starting small, then working my way to longer,
better projects.

I will say I am ready to hound some writers-I need
entertainment people! I wouldn’t really but I would love updates on some of the
stories I love-it would stop me from reading crap just in an effort to occupy
time… I really need to read the actual books I have but for some reason they
have no appeal… Well I am going to pout about the fact I ate the last of my
blueberries and try not to run to the store for food…


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