Bloomington Startup is Official

Jan 16, 2008 22:59

Originally published at The Glass People. You can comment here or there.

Bloomington Startup Weekend set for Feb. 8-10

Startup Weekend is proud to announce that the Bloomington Startup
Weekend will be held February 8-10 2008. Over 160 people voted to get
the weekend back to Indiana with the City Vote project. This will be
the 15th Startup Weekend to take place across the globe since the idea
originated last July.

Startup Weekend recruits a few dozen highly motivated people to build a
community and company in a weekend. Tickets for Bloomington Startup
Weekend will be sold for $20 on the Startup Weekend site at

There are 7 main areas of expertise that participants can sign up for:

* Design
* Developer
* PR/ Marketing
* Business Development
* User Experience
* Legal
* Project Management

Other skill sets are welcome. The most important attribute is a
willingness to contribute all three days of the weekend. Make sure to
get tickets early, it will most likely sell out fast.

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