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In real life I frequently live inside of my own head. I visualize abstract things. I visualize PHP code, or that JavaScript function that will perfectly complete my design. I dream these things as well. Sometimes I don’t even notice that my mind is wandering and when I come ‘to’ I find myself wondering how long I had been ‘out’. I no longer keep close track of time, so minutes can easily slip by my eyes without notice. I fantasize, I dream of what may yet come to pass, I think up incredibly wonderful and absurd tasks for myself, I play out dialogues and situations in many possible ways, I dance and laugh and sing. Yet strangely enough my incoherency is exactly what keeps me coherent. Sometimes I forget to blink. Sometimes I think it is very odd that I have to remind myself to blink. The tunnel of my mind is deep and black, but it is not void. In fact the tunnel of my mind is full of wild colors and flying pieces of HTML. I come back and realize the complete strangeness of my mind and find myself staring down into myself. I find that I need to be challenged. I spell horribly and I am fascinated with being in love. I like to experiment and often wonder what makes me like the things that I do like. I think I am constantly dehydrated and for the first time of my life I have fat on my belly. Perhaps I’m slowly sinking more and more into that tunnel. Maybe I’m crazy, maybe the world damn world is crazy, or perhaps I’m just a character in someone’s story.