Mar 14, 2006 19:56
My spring break trip was a riot. The Family Jewels (Julian), One Drink Wonder (Jenna), and myself (Fucktastic) had ourselves a terrific time. We went up to Detroit to find Pole Town and ended up getting the factory tour of the GM plant. Pole Town was a polish neighbor hood about 30 years ago and GM bought the land and bulldozed everything including tons of houses, two schools, a library, and a hospital. It was quite horrible of them and a good case of eminent domain (the reason these law kids wanted to go, I went for fun!) So upon arrival we actually got a tour of the GM plant. The plant actually had an old map showing pole town as it used to be...but it was conveniently hidden in a small hallway by the bathrooms. The tour was quite good and the guide told us that when GM took the land there was a cemetery there and they have actually preserved it! This cemetery is the only remaining part of Pole Town, but it was raining outside so we did not visit it : ( For dinner we headed up to Windsor, Canada and had ourselves some canasian Indiana food, it was very good and I got to try some Lychee Juice. It kinda tasted of pineapple and melon. We also visited the Henry Ford Museum which housed lots of interesting American artifacts besides cars. We got to see a round aluminum house exhibit which was cool. The drive back was kinda crazy as The Family Jewels and One Drink Wonder fought over directions. Thank God for the iPod!